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英語2 (体育)(ドイツ文・地球科)


令和2年度以降入学者 英語2 (体育)(ドイツ文・地球科)
教員名 ジリオインマヌエル・ダビデ
単位数    1 学年 1~4 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 外国語科目
学期 後期 履修区分 選択必修
授業形態 対面授業
授業の形態 Face to face tuition
Canvas LMSコースID・コース名称 ID【3112610C7】English 2 (Physical Edu.) (E.D.Giglio, 2nd semester, Thr.4)
ID【3115610C7】English 2 (German Lit. & Earth and Environmental Sciences) (E.D.Giglio, 2nd semester, Thr.5)
授業概要 As a first step towards the acquisition of the basics of university English, particularly the basics of spoken English, this course introduces and consolidates listening skills through short dialogues and other materials, and consolidates the basic skills leading to the ability to understand a written text by ensuring word-by-word and sentence-by-sentence comprehension. Through classroom activities, students will master a minimum level of conversation through practising short dialogues of everyday expressions. At the same time, students will acquire the ability to read, understand, and write simple basic sentences in English. The conversation parts, in particular, will take place in the form of "active learning (i.e. being involved in a conversation with the teacher or a classmate, group work)."
授業のねらい・到達目標 Aim of the course:
Students will acquire basic English reading and listening comprehension skills, aiming for a TOEIC level of at least 500 points.

Objectives of the course:
By focusing on the Grammar, Listening and Reading sections of the text, students will be able to pronounce English correctly when speaking, and will also be able to listen correctly to the English spoken by others. Students will also acquire the grammatical knowledge and vocabulary necessary to write basic English sentences correctly and to read and understand English texts at the TOEIC 500 score level.

Relation with the NU Charter of Education:
Students will listen to an English conversation, or read an English text, and comprehendits approximate content. (A-2-1, A-3-1, A-6-1).
Students will express immediately in English language what he or she intends to tellothers. (A-2-1, A-3-1, A-6-1).
The present course corresponds to DP2, DP3, DP6 and CP2, CP3 and CP6 of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
授業の形式 講義、演習
授業の方法 1) Everything important the teacher says in class, including answers to exercises, will be visible on the screen.
2) The content of the visualisations will be made available to each student on the University's computer system to facilitate revision of the lectures.
3) The teacher will conduct the lectures following the various activities proposed in the textbook.
4) Students will learn the meaning of terms and expressions not through purely mnemonic learning but through the study of the definitions of terms in a simple English, and through the viewing of a number of examples, also in a simple English. Occasionally, the history of words will also be mentioned, i.e. how the meaning of words and expressions has changed throughout history, or how the meaning of words and expressions changes according to the type of English (British, American, Australian, etc.). Grammar will also be mainly explained in as simplified English as possible. In this regard, the teacher will mainly use English-to-English dictionaries (Cambridge, Oxford, Etymonline), the contents of which will be made visible on the screen.
*Students will gradually become accustomed to understanding the English language through English, and will gradually start to think only in English during the lessons.
5) Assignments and homework will be assigned at the end of the lesson, either in class or via the University's computer system. For exercises and group work proposed in class, feedback will be given on the spot. In case of homework and reports, feedback will be given via the University's computer system, or by explanation and general evaluation the following week.
6) Students who are unable to attend face-to-face classes (i.e. students suffering from infectious diseases such as coronavirus or influenza, and students under special consideration due to mental illnesses) can watch lecture videos delivered on the computer system recommended by this University, and then submit *assignments via the same computer system.
(*Assignments: answer to the exercises indicated in the "lecture notes," and submit your answers via the computer system recommended by this University; "lecture notes" will be shared on the computer system after each lesson.)
履修条件 (i) Students must take the "English profi ciency placement test (英語習熟度別クラス分けテスト)" and be placed in the class to which they are assigned according to the result of the test.
(ii) Students who have not yet taken the "English proficiency placement test" must takethe class designated to them by GREC. Students are not allowed to take courses in classes other than those assigned to them.
(iii) English 1 (first semester) and English 2 (second semester) must be taken in thesame class by the same teacher.
(iv) If you choose English as a subject required for graduation, you must take this class.
1 GUIDANCE: Reviewing "how to make an effective self-introduction" (introduce me to a classmate or friend); Reviewing "how to study English and any other foreign language" (answer the question: "why is studying a foreign language like preparing for a marathon?"); Reviewing "how to attend class in an international context" (talking about "communication diff erences", and "active listening").
【事前学習】Review the "How to make an effective self-introduction" manual from the 1st semester; prepare yourself to explain how to study a foreign language; prepare yourself to answer about "communication differences" and "active listening". (1時間)
【事後学習】Review the power-point material shown during the lesson; reflect on each topic rediscussed in class. (1時間)
Vocabulary: technology; Language in context: a web page about the fridge; Grammar: simple present statements with "I / you / we".
【事前学習】Check you textbook! Take a look at Unit 4.1 (pp.33-35) (0.5時間)
【事後学習】Review and check your progress! Make sure you are able to: talk about technology, talk about your favorite things, use simple present statements with "I / you / we." (0.5時間)
Language in context: listen a conversation about a phone plan; Vocabulary: words for using technology; Grammar: simple present "yes / no questions" with "I / you / we".
【事前学習】Check you textbook! Take a look at Unit 4.2 (pp.36-37) (0.5時間)
【事後学習】Review and check your progress! Make sure you are able to: talk about how you use technology, simple present "yes / no questions" with "I / you / we." (0.5時間)
Vocabulary: communication tools; Functional language: talk about how you communicate with family and friends, ask about a new topic, ask for a response; Real-world strategy: show you are listening; Pronunciation: saying stressed words.
【事前学習】Check you textbook! Take a look at Unit 4.3 (pp.38-39) (0.5時間)
【事後学習】Review and check your progress! Make sure you are able to: talk about how you communicate, ask questions to develop a conversation, show you are listening. (0.5時間)
Listening: a radio program about a product review; Grammar: "a / an adjectives" before nouns; Pronunciation: listening for the end of a sentence; Reading and Writing: a product review (with a focus on "but" and "because"); Speaking: talk about your favorite music.
【事前学習】Check you textbook! Take a look at Unit 4.3 to 4.5 (pp.42-42) (0.5時間)
【事後学習】Review and check your progress! Make sure you are able to: read and write products reviews, talk about your favorite music. (0.5時間)
Vocabulary: days and times of day, everyday activities; Language in context: read an article about weekdays activities ("Play" or "fast-forward to the weekend"?); Grammar: simple present statements with "he / she / they," adverbs of frequency.
【事前学習】Check you textbook! Take a look at Unit 5.1 (pp.43-45) (0.5時間)
【事後学習】Review and check your progress! Make sure you are able to: use days and times of days with everyday activities; use simple present statements with "he / she / they," and use adverbs of frequency. (0.5時間)
Vocabulary: telling the time ("spatializing" the time: the old and the new way); Grammar: questions in the simple present (use "do" or "does" with information questions in the simple present.)
【事前学習】Check you textbook! Take a look at Unit 5.2 (pp.46-47) (0.5時間)
【事後学習】Review and check your progress! Make sure you are able to: tell the time and talk about routines; use "do" or "does" with information questions in the simple present. (0.5時間)
Functional language: show you agree or have things in common; Real-world strategy: short answers with adverbs of frequency; Pronunciation: saying syllables in words; Speaking: tell what you do and how you feel about weekdays or weekend activities.
【事前学習】Check you textbook! Take a look at Unit 5.3 (pp.48-49) (0.5時間)
【事後学習】Review and check your progress! Make sure you are able to: show you agree or have things in common with people; use short answers with adverbs of frequency, tell what you do and how you feel about weekdays or weekend activities. (0.5時間)
Reading (an article): about work-life balance ("work," "rest," and "play"); Writing (a report): about your activities (with particular attention to "headings" and "numbered lists"); Speaking: about your favorite way to spend the week.
【事前学習】Check you textbook! Take a look at Unit 5.4 to 5.5 (pp.50-52) (0.5時間)
【事後学習】Review and check your progress! Make sure you are able to: read and write a report about your activities, talk about your favorite way to spend the week. (0.5時間)
Language in context: listen to a conversation on how to guide a visitor in your city; Vocabulary: places in the city; Grammar: "there's..."; "there are..."; "a lot of..."; "some...";"no..." Speaking: talk about things in your neighborhood.
【事前学習】Check you textbook! Take a look at Unit 6.1 (pp.53-55) (0.5時間)
【事後学習】Review and check your progress! Make sure you are able to: use words for places in a city; guiding a visitor in your city; use "there's / there are" with "a / an," "some," "a lot," "no;" talk about things in your neighborhood. (0.5時間)
11 UNIT 6.2: TALK ABOUT NATURE IN YOUR AREA (particularly recommended for students of Earth and Environmental Sciences).
Vocabulary: places in the Nature; Language in context: know how much nature is in your town or city; Grammar: "count nouns" and "non-count nouns." Speaking: talk about good places in your country.
【事前学習】Check you textbook! Take a look at Unit 6.2 (pp.56-57) (0.5時間)
【事後学習】Review and check your progress! Make sure you are able to: use words for places in Nature; talk about how much nature is in your town or city, or talk about good places in your country; use "count nouns" and "non-count nouns." (0.5時間)
Functional language: ask for and give directions; Real-world strategy: checking information; Pronunciation: /ɪr/ and /er/ sounds; Speaking: ask a person where to go.
【事前学習】Check you textbook! Take a look at Unit 6.3 (pp.58-59) (0.5時間)
【事後学習】】Review and check your progress! Make sure you are able to: ask for and give directions (as a visitor or/and to a visitor); saying /ɪr/ and /er/ sounds. (0.5時間)
Listening (a podcast): about a place in Nature; Pronunciation: listening for important words; Reading and Writing: a fact sheet and its features (with a focus on "opinion adjectives"); Speaking: talk about which places are important to have near one's own home; talk about what place do you want in your neighborhood.
【事前学習】Check you textbook! Take a look at Unit 6.4 and 6.5 (pp.60-62) (0.5時間)
【事後学習】Review and check your progress! Make sure you are able to: read and write a fact sheet about a place in a city or/and in Nature, talk about which places are important to have near your home. (0.5時間)
14 REVIEW 2: UNITS 4 to 6 (Preparing for the final test).
Vocabulary: technology, music, places in the cities, Nature, things you and your family do, days and time of the day; Grammar: do/ does / don't/ doesn't; "there's..."; "there are..."; "a lot of..."; "some..."; "no...";"count nouns" and "non-count nouns"; Speaking[part 1]: talk about a place, describe it or/and say what you do there; Functional language: show you are listening, show you agree, ask for and give directions (as a visitor or to a visitor); Speaking [part2]: what technology do you have? What do you do on weekdays and weekends? What's a good place to go in or near your city?
【事前学習】Check you textbook! Take a look at "Review 2" (Units 4 to 6) (pp.63-64) (1時間)
【事後学習】Make sure you are able to pass the final test (refer to above: "REVIEW 2,""Vocabulary," "Grammar" etc.) (1時間)
Vocabulary: technology, music, places in the cities, Nature, things you and your family do, days and time of the day; Grammar: do/ does / don't/ doesn't; "there's..."; "there are..."; "a lot of..."; "some..."; "no...";"count nouns" and "non-count nouns"; Functional language: show you are listening, show you agree, ask for and give directions (as a visitor or to a visitor); Speaking: talk about a place, describe it or/and say what you do there; what technology do you have? What do you do on weekdays and weekends? What's a good place to go in or near your city?
【事前学習】Check you textbook! Take a look at Units 4 to 6 (pp.33-64) (1.5時間)
【事後学習】Make sure you have answered the questions in the final exam correctly (refer to above: "Vocabulary," "Grammar" etc.) (1.5時間)
教科書 Leslie Anne Hendra, Mark Ibbotson and Kathryn O'Dell, Evolve 1 - Student's Book, Cambridge University Press, 2019, 1 edition
参考書 Cambridge Dictionary (Cambridge English-to-English Online Dictionary), Cambridge University Press & Assessment, 2024
OxfordUniversity Press, Oxford Learner's Dictionaries (Oxford English-to-English Online Dictionary), 2024
Etymology Dictionary (Online Etymology Dictionary), Douglas Harper, 2024
成績評価の方法及び基準 試験(80%)、授業参画度:Having sufficient attendances, having a good attitude during lessons (not sleeping, practising "active listening"), doing assigned tasks and homework.(20%)
*practising "active listening" = following the foundamental rules of an international context (refer to Lesson 1, "GUIDANCE").

Students who fulfill the requirements for not being able to attend the face-to-face class and who participate at a distance via Zoom will be assessed by submitting *assignments.
(*Assignments: answer to the exercises indicated in the "lecture notes," and submit your answers via the computer system recommended by this University; "lecture notes" will be shared on the computer system after each lesson.)
If the student is unable to sit the exam, he/she will be assessed by a follow-up exam or by submitting a report on the English expressions, conversations, and discussions learnt in class.
オフィスアワー I will receive questions or requests for advice by e-mail or through the University's computer system.
備考 It will not be allowed to use electronic dictionaries or mobile phones to look up Japanese translations of terms and expressions during the lesson. I also do not recommend having a classmate suggest the meaning of terms and expressions to you unless the teacher advises you or your classmates to do so.
I suggest guessing the meaning of terms and expressions by listening to the teacher's definitions and examples given in a simple English.
I advise, however, not to sit alone during lessons. Choose a "desk-mate" and learn to work together and collaborate, especially in group exercises.
