文理学部シラバスTOP > 大学院博士前期課程 > 社会学専攻 > 社会学応用演習



令和2年度以降入学者 社会学応用演習
教員名 濱本真一
単位数    1 課程     開講区分 文理学部
科目群 社会学専攻
学期 後期 履修区分 選択必修
授業形態 対面授業
授業概要 Academic Reading in Sociology of Education
This course aims to understand the perspectives of international educational inequality research via the reading and discussion of selected articles written in English focusing on educational inequality.
授業のねらい・到達目標 Expected Learing Goals
Through this course, participants are expected to be able to:
(1) read and well understand articles written in English,
(2) understand the basic concepts of educational inequality,
(3) understand how theories of educational inequality are tested empirically, and
(4) establish the idea about why/how social inequality emerges and is maintained.
授業の形式 演習
授業の方法 The style of course
  • Students will be assigned a paper to summarize and share before class.
  • The person in charge of each literature will summarize the article, organize the surrounding information, and summarize the issues in the relevant area from his/her point of view.
  • The other members of the class are to read through the literature, clarify unclear points, and prepare questions for the instructor.
  • We will promote understanding through in-class discussion.
  • The detailed list of the literature to be used will be provided at the beginning of the class.
履修条件 Recquired
  • Participants MUST read a lot of English articles.
  • Undergraduate-level statistics and English are required.
  • Some papers are assigned for those who wish to participate the course without obtaining credit.
  • Cross-enrollment is permitted. Highly motivated graduate students are welcome.
  • Students must attend the first class, as the instructor will be assigned.
1 Guidance and scheduling
【事前学習】checking the syllabus (1時間)
【事後学習】Getting the articles and reading the next article (2時間)
2 Reading:The conceputual development in educational inequality (Simonová and Katrňák 2011)
【事前学習】Prepare the resume / Clearify the unclear point of the article (2時間)
【事後学習】Define the learning you need and work on it yourself. (1時間)
3 Reading: Educational system and inequality generatings (Kerckhoff 2001)
【事前学習】Prepare the resume / Clearify the unclear point of the article (2時間)
【事後学習】Define the learning you need and work on it yourself. (1時間)
4 Reading: Trends in educational inequality (Breen, Luijkx, Muller and Pollak 2010)
【事前学習】Prepare the resume / Clearify the unclear point of the article (2時間)
【事後学習】Define the learning you need and work on it yourself. (1時間)
5 Reading: Family and education (Sewell, Haller and Portes 1969)
【事前学習】Prepare the resume / Clearify the unclear point of the article (2時間)
【事後学習】Define the learning you need and work on it yourself. (1時間)
6 Reading: Educational and lifcourse mobility (Rosenbaum 1979)
【事前学習】Prepare the resume / Clearify the unclear point of the article (2時間)
【事後学習】Define the learning you need and work on it yourself. (1時間)
7 Reading: Stratification in educational transition (Mare 1981)
【事前学習】Prepare the resume / Clearify the unclear point of the article (2時間)
【事後学習】Define the learning you need and work on it yourself. (1時間)
8 Reading: A mechanism of persistent inequality (Raftery and Hout 1993)
【事前学習】Prepare the resume / Clearify the unclear point of the article (2時間)
【事後学習】Define the learning you need and work on it yourself. (1時間)
9 Reading: Qualitative stratification (Byun and Park 2017)
【事前学習】Prepare the resume / Clearify the unclear point of the article (2時間)
【事後学習】Define the learning you need and work on it yourself. (1時間)
10 Reading: The value of educational attainment changing (Fujihara and Ishida 2016)
【事前学習】Prepare the resume / Clearify the unclear point of the article (2時間)
【事後学習】Define the learning you need and work on it yourself. (1時間)
11 Reading: Educatuonal mobility in lifecourse perspective (Müller and Karle 1993)
【事前学習】Prepare the resume / Clearify the unclear point of the article (2時間)
【事後学習】Define the learning you need and work on it yourself. (1時間)
12 Reading: Self selection and disparity in aspiration (Kariya and Rosenbaum 1987)
【事前学習】Prepare the resume / Clearify the unclear point of the article (2時間)
【事後学習】Define the learning you need and work on it yourself. (1時間)
13 Reading: School effects on academic achievement (Raudenbush and Bryk 1986)
【事前学習】Prepare the resume / Clearify the unclear point of the article (2時間)
【事後学習】Define the learning you need and work on it yourself. (1時間)
14 Reading: Explaining the mechanism of inequality generating (Breen and Goldthorpe 1997)
【事前学習】Prepare the resume / Clearify the unclear point of the article (2時間)
【事後学習】Define the learning you need and work on it yourself. (1時間)
15 Reading: Examine the theory for educational inequality (van de Werfhorst and Hofstede 2007)
【事前学習】Prepare the resume / Clearify the unclear point of the article (2時間)
【事後学習】Define the learning you need and work on it yourself. (1時間)
教科書 All articles are available in library or web journal accessed from Nihon University.
参考書 Ron Thompson, Education, Inequality and Social Class: Expansion and Stratification in Educational Opportunity, Routledge, 2019
Richard Breen and Walter Muller (eds.), Education and Intergenerational Social Mobility in Europe and the United States:Studies in Social Inequality, Stanford University Press, 2020
Michelle Jackson, Determined to Succeed?: Performance versus Choice in Educational Attainment:Studies in Social Inequality, Stanford University Press, 2013
Other quality papers or books will be presented in the class.
成績評価の方法及び基準 授業参画度:Attendance, The shared materials. (100%)
オフィスアワー Time: Tuesday 14:40-16:10
Location: My Laboratory (Main building 3rd floor)
備考 All classes will be held in Japanese
If you are interested in the Sociology of Education, I recommend you take the undergraduate class that provides the fundamental sociology of education.
