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英語2 (物理・生命科)(情報科・化)(数)


令和2年度以降入学者 英語2 (物理・生命科)(情報科・化)(数)
令和元年度以前入学者 英語2
教員名 ベデロサイモン
単位数    1 学年 1~4 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 外国語科目
学期 後期 履修区分 選択必修
授業形態 対面授業
授業の形態 The class format is face to face. In case there is a need to go online, Zoom will be used; and students will be properly informed.
(For students who are permitted to take a class session off-campus; they are required to complete assignments that are given for such cases through the school’s Blackboard.)
Blackboard ID ID【20233151】英語2(物理・生命科)(ベデロサイモン・後・土1)
授業概要 This course aims to consolidate the skills of speaking and active listening. Students work on these target skills by customizing pre-recorded conversations and other audiovisual clips. They spend up to two hours, weekly, for reviewing past lessons and previewing new ones.

The course involves activities related to vocabulary building and advanced speechmaking techniques. Speech projects are followed by Q&A and discussion sessions to maximize language interaction and to further expand the language patterns that are being studied.
授業のねらい・到達目標 At the end of the term, you will have the ability to:
1) discuss matters of common interest in a prompt manner and with an appropriate vocabulary (A-3-1);
2) express personal views using reasoned arguments (A-6-1);
3) do a basic online research and report about in form of a structured presentation (A-2-1); and,
4) use advanced techniques of opinion speechmaking (A-6-1).

この科目は文理学部のDP及びCPの2, 3, 6 に対応している。
授業の形式 演習
授業の方法 (演習)
Class sessions are made of:
1) brief review of the previous language pattern;
2) vocabulary-building activity;
3) study of target skill planned for that week.

Every second new unit starts with a quick quiz.

( フィードバック )
Feedbacks for short quizzes and assignments are done during class sessions as part of the review.
Feedbacks for speech practices are given in form of peer evaluation and individually by the instructor.
Assignments that are submitted offline, are handed back to students in the next class session after being checked by the instructor.
履修条件 ①英語習熟度別クラス分けテストを受け、その結果により振り分けられたクラスで履修すること。
1 Unit-8 /Living Alone/ [Face to face]
Students work in pairs and in small groups to talk about the daily routine of their lives.
【事前学習】Print and read through the syllabus of the fall term; Do all the listening sections of unit-8 (pp. 48-49, 52-53); (1時間)
【事後学習】Review the quiz section (p. 53); Fill in and upload into Blackboard the “My Lifestyle” Essay table provided by the instructor. (1時間)
2 Unit-9 /Looking Good/ [Face to face]
Students are introduced to language patterns related to fashion and for complimenting others. Session starts with a quick quiz.
【事前学習】Do all the listening sections of unit-9 (pp. 55, 58-59); (1時間)
【事後学習】Review the quiz section (p. 59); Fill in and upload into Blackboard the “My Style of Fashion” Essay table provided by the instructor. (1時間)
3 The Art of Arguing an Opinion (A-6-1) [Face to face]
Students learn how to argue and express an opinion with supporting reasons.
【事前学習】Download the “Opinion Speech Preparation” form from Blackboard and fill it in. (1時間)
【事後学習】Prepare both the introduction and the conclusion of the opinion speech using elements of standard speech studied in the spring term. (1時間)
4 Unit-10 /Drive On/ [Face to face]
Students work in pairs and in small groups to talk about driving and other personal skills.
【事前学習】Do all the listening sections of unit-10 (pp. 60-61, 64-65); (1時間)
【事後学習】Review the quiz section (p. 65); Complete and upload the Opinion speech script into Blackboard; (1時間)
5 Speech Practice-1 /"The Way, I See It!"/ (Group-1) [Face to face]
Students make individual speeches using the skills of session-3. Speeches are followed by brief Q&A sessions using skills studied in session-1 of the spring term.
【事前学習】Upload the outline of the speech into Blackboard; Review elements of target skills studied in session-1 of the spring term; Do the time practice of the speech. (1時間)
【事後学習】Fill in the speech feedback sheet and upload it into Blackboard. (1時間)
6 Unit-11 /I Will Do It!/ (A-2-1) [Face to face]
Students are introduced to expressions related to decision-making. Session starts with a quick quiz.
【事前学習】Do all the listening sections of unit-11 (pp. 66-67, 70-71); (1時間)
【事後学習】Review the quiz section (p. 71); Review elements of target skills studied in session-1 of the spring term; (1時間)
7 Speech Practice-1 /"The Way, I See It!"/ (Group-2) [Face to face]
Students make individual speeches using the skills of session-3. Speeches are followed by brief Q&A sessions using skills studied in session-1 of the spring term.
【事前学習】Review basic elements of opinion speech learned in session-2; Do the time practice of the speech. (1時間)
【事後学習】Fill in the speech feedback sheet and upload it into Blackboard. (1時間)
8 First Progress Evaluation Test and Review [Face to face]
Students take a test to evaluate their individual progress. They then work in groups to review the points of the test they had difficulty with.
【事前学習】Review designated parts of (pp. 54, 59, 60, 65, 66 and 71). (1時間)
【事後学習】Fill in and upload into Blackboard the “Personal Mid-Term Progress Review” table. (45 minutes) (1時間)
9 Unit-12 /The Dating Game/ [Face to face]
Students work in groups to discuss interesting encounters and memorable outings.
【事前学習】Do all the listening sections of unit-12 (pp. 73, 76-77); (1時間)
【事後学習】Review the quiz section (p. 77); Fill in and upload into Blackboard the “My Dream Date” Essay table provided by the instructor. (1時間)
10 Unit-13 /Sounds Great/ [Face to face]
Students work in groups to discuss their choices of music and entertainment. Session starts with a quick quiz.
【事前学習】Do all the listening sections of unit-13 (pp. 78-79, 82-83); (1時間)
【事後学習】Review the quiz section (p. 83); Fill in and upload into Blackboard the “My World of Music” Essay table provided by the instructor. (1時間)
11 Preparing a Song Review Report (A-2-1) [Face to face]
Students learn how to do an online search of views on selected songs and make a report about; using the skills of both the standard and the opinion speeches.
【事前学習】Download the “Song Review Preparation” form from Blackboard and fill it in. (1時間)
【事後学習】Prepare both the introduction and the conclusion of the opinion speech using elements of standard speech studied in the spring term. (1時間)
12 Unit-14 /Reduce, Reuse and Recycle/ (A-3-1) [Face to face]
Students hold discussion in small groups on issues related to environmental protection.
【事前学習】Do all the listening sections of unit-14 (pp. 85, 88-89); (1時間)
【事後学習】Review the quiz section (p. 89); Fill in and upload into Blackboard the “My Two Cents for the Environment” Essay table provided by the instructor. (1時間)
13 Unit-15 /The Way Forward/ [Face to face]
Students practice talking about their plans for both short and long terms. Session starts with a quick quiz.
【事前学習】Do all the listening sections of unit-15 (pp. 90-91, 94-95); (1時間)
【事後学習】Review the quiz section (p. 95); Fill in and upload into Blackboard the “Me, Five Years from Now” Essay table provided by the instructor. (1時間)
14 Song Review Speech-report Practice [Face to face]
Students in groups make speeches to report on their online research about music. Reports are followed by Q&A and discussion sessions using the skills studied in session-1 of the spring term.
【事前学習】Upload the outline of the speech into Blackboard; Review elements of target skills studied in session-1 of the spring term; Do the time practice of the speech. (1時間)
【事後学習】Fill in the speech feedback sheet and upload it into Blackboard. (1時間)
15 Second Progress Evaluation Test and Review [Face to face]
Students take a test to evaluate their individual progress. They then work in groups to review the points of the test they had difficulty with.
【事前学習】Review designated parts of (pp. 72, 77, 78, 83, 84, 89, 90 and 95) for the second progress evaluation test. (1時間)
【事後学習】Fill in and upload into Blackboard the “Personal Term-end Progress Review” table (1時間)
教科書 Graeme Todd, Roger Palmer and Makimi Kano.  『On Air: Listen and Communicate』 KINSEIDO. (ISBN: 978-4-7647-3895-9 C1082). 2010年
This book is the same one that was used in the spring term.
参考書 使用しない
成績評価の方法及び基準 試験(30%)、レポート:Speech feedbacks and essay assignments(20%)、授業内テスト:In-session quick quizzes(20%)、授業参画度:Participation in class discussions(10%)、Speech practices(20%)
Test (試験) is measured by the progress reviews of sessions 8 and 15.
Report is measured by the preparation of the speech scripts, its feedbacks and essay assignments.
In-class examination (授業内テスト) is measured by the quick quizzes of sessions 2, 6, 10 and 13.
Participation is measured by the active engagement in Q&A sessions.
Late submissions of assignments are not accepted.

オフィスアワー Students can contact the instructor by sending an email or seeing him directly before/after a class session.
The instructor's email address is provided on the first day of the term. Students can also visit the Teachers' room during lunch time (12:30-12:55) on Saturdays.
備考 The class is fun, rewarding and stress free. Students only need to be active.
The instructor has an extensive experience of teaching English communication in Japan for over two decades.
