文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 総合 III 群 > Japanese Society2

Japanese Society2


令和2年度以降入学者 Japanese Society2
令和元年度以前入学者 Cities and Media
教員名 カトラミーズターレク
単位数    2 学年 1~4 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 総合教育科目
学期 後期 履修区分 選択
授業形態 対面授業
授業の形態 In principle, this class will be conducted in-person. Please always keep updated via Blackboard and do not hesitate to send an email to the professor if you have any questions.
この授業は、原則として対面式で行われる。必ずBlackboard でのアップテートを参考にし、分からないことがあるときは教員に直接メールで取り合わせをすること。
Blackboard ID 20233078
授業概要 This course introduces students to a contemporary view of Japanese society from the perspective of sustainability. Throughout the course, we explore critical sustainability issues in Japanese society with a focus on topics such as poverty, work, gender, education, health, disaster, energy, and climate change. By engaging with critical issues and looking at data, students will have a deeper understanding of the sustainability challenges facing contemporary Japanese society today, as well as the similarities and differences across nations regarding the issues dealt with in the class.
授業のねらい・到達目標 You will be expected to critically engage with both scholarly discussions as well as basic statistics on various topics in Japanese society, and demonstrate your understanding through your assignments and participation in class.
この科目は文理学部のDP及びCP1に対応しています。この科目は文理学部のディプロマポリシーDP2, 3, 6, 及びカリキュラムポリシーCP2, 3, 6に対応している。(A-2-2, A-3-2, A-6-2).
授業の形式 講義、演習
授業の方法 Students learn to read academic and media texts in English and communicate on the topic. Via Blackboard, students have access to reading materials and need to submit assignments. Students need to attend classes and participate in discussions.
The final essay also needs to be submitted via Blackboard.
1 Introduction to the course
Introduction and overview of the course
(A-2-2, A-3-2, A-6-2).
【事後学習】Read and study the assigned text (2時間)
【担当教員】Tarek Katramiz
2 Sustainability and contemporary Japanese society
What is sustainable development and what does it mean to make Japanese society more sustainable?
(A-2-2, A-3-2, A-6-2).
【事前学習】Read and study the assigned text (2時間)
【事後学習】Go over your class notes (2時間)
【担当教員】Tarek Katramiz
3 Japanese Economy
Industry; agriculture; business
(A-2-2, A-3-2, A-6-2).
【事前学習】Read and study the assigned text (2時間)
【事後学習】Go over your class notes (2時間)
【担当教員】Tarek Katramiz
4 Poverty in contemporary Japanese society
What is relative poverty; Japan’s working poor; child poverty, single mothers
(A-2-2, A-3-2, A-6-2).
【事前学習】Read and study the assigned text (2時間)
【事後学習】Go over your class notes (2時間)
【担当教員】Tarek Katramiz
5 Inequality in Japan
How to measure inequality; gender inequality; paid and unpaid work
(A-2-2, A-3-2, A-6-2).
【事前学習】Read and study the assigned text (2時間)
【事後学習】Go over your class notes (2時間)
【担当教員】Tarek Katramiz
6 Rural Japan
Shrinking population; falling tax revenues; rural revitalization
(A-2-2, A-3-2, A-6-2).
【事前学習】Read and study the assigned text (2時間)
【事後学習】Go over your class notes (2時間)
【担当教員】Tarek Katramiz
7 The Environment 1: Disasters
Natural disasters; human-made disasters; risk society
(A-2-2, A-3-2, A-6-2).
【事前学習】Read and study the assigned text (2時間)
【事後学習】Go over your class notes (2時間)
【担当教員】Tarek Katramiz
8 The Environment 2: Energy
Energy transition; local energy community; transformation
(A-2-2, A-3-2, A-6-2).
【事前学習】Read and study the assigned text (2時間)
【事後学習】Go over your class notes (2時間)
【担当教員】Tarek Katramiz
9 The Environment 3: Climate action
National and international dynamics; local action
(A-2-2, A-3-2, A-6-2).
【事前学習】Read and study the assigned text (2時間)
【事後学習】Go over your class notes (2時間)
【担当教員】Tarek Katramiz
10 Social inclusion
The social construction of a ‘homogeneous’ Japan; minorities, race politics; people with mixed roots
(A-2-2, A-3-2, A-6-2).
【事前学習】Read and study the assigned text (2時間)
【事後学習】Go over your class notes (2時間)
【担当教員】Tarek Katramiz
11 Japanese civil society 1
Role of civil society in addressing sustainability issues in Japan;
(A-2-2, A-3-2, A-6-2).
【事前学習】Read and study the assigned text (2時間)
【事後学習】Go over your class notes (2時間)
【担当教員】Tarek Katramiz
12 Japanese civil society 2
Examples and lessons from Fukushima, Olympics, etc.
 (A-2-2, A-3-2, A-6-2).
【事前学習】Read and study the assigned text (2時間)
【事後学習】Go over your class notes (2時間)
【担当教員】Tarek Katramiz
13 Student presentations 1
 (A-2-2, A-3-2, A-6-2).
【事前学習】Prepare your presentation (5時間)
【事後学習】Go over feedback (2時間)
【担当教員】Tarek Katramiz
14 Student presentations 2
 (A-2-2, A-3-2, A-6-2).
【事前学習】Prepare your presentation (5時間)
【事後学習】Go over feedback (2時間)
【担当教員】Tarek Katramiz
15 Final Discussion
Wrapping up; reviewing sustainability issues in contemporary Japanese society
 (A-2-2, A-3-2, A-6-2).
【事前学習】Prepare for the final discussion (2時間)
【担当教員】Tarek Katramiz
教科書 Assigned texts will be provided in class.
参考書 使用しない
成績評価の方法及び基準 レポート:Final paper of around 1000 words(40%)、授業内テスト:Individual presentation; assignment to be submitted via Blackboard for students unable to attend in-person classes(30%)、授業参画度:active participation in class disucssions(20%)、Weekly special assignments for those attending remotely. (10%)
オフィスアワー Via email and Blackboard.
