文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 地球科学科 > 技術者英語1



令和2年度以降入学者 技術者英語1
教員名 アイオナマッキントッシュ
単位数    2 学年    2 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 地球科学科
学期 前期 履修区分 選択必修
授業の形態 同時双方向型の遠隔授業
Blackboard ID:20221310
授業概要 Theme: Understanding the Earth around us, with English communication

This course looks at the Earth as a Geosystem, where the Lithosphere, Hydrosphere, Atmosphere, Cryosphere and Biosphere (including humans!) are all connected. From microbes to continents, from billions of years ago to the present day, we will consider how these interactions have formed the Earth we know, and their importance for human society. English-language lectures and assignments will develop students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills – with the focus always on successful communication, not linguistic perfection!

授業のねらい・到達目標 授業のねらい︓地球科学に関連する⽤語やコミュニケーションで用いる英語を読み、書き、聞き、話すことを通して基礎的な英語コミュニケーション能⼒を養い、最終的には英語でプレゼンテーションを行えるようになる。


この科⽬は⽂理学部(学⼠(理学))のディプロマポリシーDP6, 及びカリキュラムポリシーCP6コミュニケーション⼒に対応しています。
授業の方法 授業の形式:【講義,演習,ゼミ】
Each week narrated lecture slides will be uploaded to Blackboard. Students should view these before the scheduled class. In the class, which is held online, students will answer questions and discuss the topic of the week's lecture slides. Occasional optional homeworks (short reports, quick tests) will also be given.
1 1 Introductions はじめに(A-6)【同時双方向型の遠隔授業】
【事前学習】Review online lecture materials (2時間)
【事後学習】Summarise and practice new vocabulary (2時間)
2 2 The Earth as an interacting system 相互システムとしての地球(A-6)【同時双方向型の遠隔授業】
【事前学習】Review online lecture materials (2時間)
【事後学習】Summarise and practice new vocabulary (2時間)
3 3 Plate tectonics プレートテクトニクス(A-6)【同時双方向型の遠隔授業】
【事前学習】Review online lecture materials (2時間)
【事後学習】Summarise and practice new vocabulary (2時間)
4 4 Minerals 鉱物 (A-6)【同時双方向型の遠隔授業】
【事前学習】Review online lecture materials (2時間)
【事後学習】Summarise and practice new vocabulary (2時間)
5 5 Rocks 岩石一般(A-6)【同時双方向型の遠隔授業】
【事前学習】Review online lecture materials (2 時間)
【事後学習】Summarise and practice new vocabulary (2時間)
6 6 Igneous rocks (1) 火成岩1(A-6)【同時双方向型の遠隔授業】
【事前学習】Review online lecture materials (2時間)
【事後学習】Summarise and practice new vocabulary (2時間)
7 7 Igneous rocks (2) 火成岩2(A-6)【同時双方向型の遠隔授業】
【事前学習】Review online lecture materials (2時間)
【事後学習】Summarise and practice new vocabulary (2時間)
8 8 Sedimentary rocks (1)  堆積岩1(A-6)【同時双方向型の遠隔授業】
【事前学習】Review online lecture materials (2時間)
【事後学習】Summarise and practice new vocabulary (2時間)
9 9 Sedimentary rocks (2)  堆積岩2(A-6)【同時双方向型の遠隔授業】
【事前学習】Review online lecture materials (2 時間)
【事後学習】Summarise and practice new vocabulary (2時間)
10 10 Metamorphic rocks (1) 変成岩1(A-6)【同時双方向型の遠隔授業】
【事前学習】Review online lecture materials (2 時間)
【事後学習】Summarise and practice new vocabulary (2時間)
11 11 Metamorphic rocks (2) 変成岩2(A-6) 【同時双方向型の遠隔授業】
【事前学習】Review online lecture materials (2時間)
【事後学習】Summarise and practice new vocabulary (2時間)
12 12 Rock deformation 岩石の変形(A-6)【同時双方向型の遠隔授業】
【事前学習】Review online lecture materials (2時間)
【事後学習】Summarise and practice new vocabulary (2時間)
13 13 Earthquakes 地震(A-6)【同時双方向型の遠隔授業】
【事前学習】Review online lecture materials (2時間)
【事後学習】Summarise and practice new vocabulary (2時間)
14 14 Summary (1) まとめ1(A-6)【同時双方向型の遠隔授業】
Short presentations (5 minutes) in English by each of the students on a small aspect of what they have learnt in the first semester.
【事前学習】Prepare English presentation/questions for other students (2 時間)
【事後学習】Summarise and practice new vocabulary (2時間)
15 15 Summary (2) まとめ2(A-6)【同時双方向型の遠隔授業】
Short presentations (5 minutes) in English by each of the students on a small aspect of what they have learnt in the first semester.
【事前学習】Prepare English presentation/questions for other students (2 時間)
【事後学習】Summarise and practice new vocabulary (2 時間)
教科書 なし
参考書 なし
成績評価の方法及び基準 試験(30%)、レポート(25%)、授業内テスト(20%)、授業参画度(25%)
Please note: Homeworks will be optional. It is recognised that university life is busy and students must learn to prioritise their work between this and other courses. Students are ENCOURAGED to do homeworks, because it is good to practice their English and understanding of the science topics.

If students choose NOT to do homeworks, then the % of other evaluation methods will increase:
Reports (homework): 25% --> 0%
Attitude and in-class contributions: 25% --> 30%
In-class tests: 20% --> 30%
End-semester presentation: 30% --> 40%
(5 minutes at end of semester 1)

So if a student is nervous about the end of semester presentation, choosing to do homeworks is also a good chance to get good marks and reduce the importance of the final presentation!
1.地球科学に関連する事柄を英語で理解できている(1~5, 8~10)
2.地球科学に関連する事柄を英語で伝えることができる(6,7, 11,12)
オフィスアワー Available after class, or by scheduling by email an appointment for an online meeting.
