文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 英文学科 > 卒業論文



令和元年度以前入学者 卒業論文
教員名 チルトンマイルズ
単位数    8 学年    4 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 英文学科
学期 通年 履修区分 必修
授業の形態 Blackboard will be used for uploading thesis drafts. Advising sessions will be every Thursday from 10:30, either face-to-face or on Zoom. Please email me to arrange face-to-face meetings. Also, consult Blackboard for messages and updates. The schedule below is a rough guide to the thesis writing process.

Blackboard ID【20227024】卒業論文(チルトンマイルズ・通・木2)
授業概要 Generally, any text or film in English! I have supervised graduation theses on a wide variety of areas, genres, and periods. If you want to write a sotsuron in English about literature or film, I would be pleased to consider your project.
授業のねらい・到達目標 The overall purpose is to have students write, in English, a 25-30 page research essay that defends, explains, analyzes, and above all argues a main claim (or thesis statement). Specifically, students will be able to work to establish a question or problem arising from their reading and interpretation of one or more texts, then write an argumentative essay in response to the question or problem. The response to the question or problem -- the main claim of the essay -- will be supported by research. Advising sessions are for students to ask questions, discuss problems, obtain information on research sources, and receive feedback on the organization of the essay and on matters of style, diction, grammar, and syntax.

この科目は文理学部(学士(文学))のディプロマポリシーDP1 、DP3、DP4、DP5、DP6、DP8、及び、カリキュラムポリシーCP1、CP3、CP4、CP5、CP6、CP8、に対応している。
A-1-4学修から得られた豊かな知識と教養に基づいて, 自己の高い倫理観を英語学・英語圏文学が直面する倫理的課題に適切に運用することができる。
A-3-4言語現象や歴史的事象を既存の知識にとらわれることなく, 語学的根拠や批評理論に基づいて批判的, 論理的に考察し, その本質を理解しようと他者に説明することができる。
A-4-4英語学・英語圏文学に潜む問題を発見し, 専門的知識に加えて独自性を持って, 解決することができる。
A-5-4与えられたどのような問題に対しても, あきらめずに, それを解決するために仲間と共に必要な情報を収集・分析し, 用いることができる。
A-6-4本学部のスケールメリットを生かし, どのような状況においても多種多様な背景を持つ人々の説明の趣旨を理解し, 自分の専門的知識を正しく分かりやすく提供することができる。
A-8-4学修活動に関する自己分析のほか, 他者からの評価を謙虚に受け止め, 今後の学修活動に生かすことができる。
授業の方法 卒業論文・研究
The overall plan is as follows:
April: read, think, research, take notes; aim to establish key ideas, key words, and finish a basic outline.
May: make a new outline, and write an opening introduction.
June-August: read, more research, and begin writing chapter drafts.
August-October: read, continue research, rewrite chapter drafts, develop connections and relationships between parts of the essay; aim to finish second chapter drafts.
November-December: final rewriting, clarify connections and points, rewrite introduction; aim to finish a final draft of the essay.
January: final rewriting, proofread, check in-text citations and Works Cited list.
Individual lesson and Advising sessions.
Students should spend 3 hours to complete the preparation and homework for each class.
1 Discuss potential topics.
Preparation: read the primary text(s); write write a basic outline of your graduation thesis, plus a 1-2 page (double-spaced) overall framework of your thesis. In this overall framework, think of questions you would like to answer or consider in your thesis, for example:
• What is this text really saying? What is its ‘message’?
• Why do the characters do what they do?
• What is strange, or difficult, about the text?
• What is good, or interesting, about the text?
• What attracts you to the text and its problems, ideas, tensions, and challenges?
• What do you want to write about in your thesis?
【事前学習】As above. (4時間)
【事後学習】Revise overall framework, purpose, and thesis statement. (4時間)
2 Check potential topics.
【事前学習】Find relevant research sources from the library; rewrite outline based on feedback from previous week; continue writing research notes. (4時間)
【事後学習】Review feedback, check research sources. (4時間)
3 Criticize the topics.(A-1-4)
【事前学習】Continue finding research sources, summarizing key parts; begin writing a Works Cited list; finish a more developed outline. (4時間)
【事後学習】Review feedback, fix Works Cited list, citation style, and outline. (4時間)
4 Reconsider the topic.
【事前学習】Write a working introduction with a working main claim. (4時間)
【事後学習】Review feedback, revise introduction and working main claim. (4時間)
5 Peer review.(A-3-4)
【事前学習】Rewrite introduction and main claim based on feedback from previous week; begin writing chapter drafts; continue research. (4時間)
【事後学習】Review feedback, revise introduction and main claim. (4時間)
6 Constructing the body paragraphs, body of the essay itself.(A-4-4)
【事前学習】Continue writing chapter drafts; rewrite drafts based on feedback from previous week; aim to have one chapter draft completed. (4時間)
7 Topic sentences and supporting sentences.(A-5-4)
【事前学習】Check first draft of one completed chapter; continue writing chapter drafts. (4時間)
【事後学習】Review feedback, revise chapter drafts. (4時間)
8 Peer review of 1st body paragraph.(A-6-4)
【事前学習】Check newly written portions of chapter drafts; rewrite drafts based on feedback from previous week; continue writing chapter drafts. (4時間)
9 Finding references.(A-8-4)
【事前学習】Check newly written portions of chapter drafts; rewrite drafts based on feedback from previous week; continue writing chapter drafts. (4時間)
10 How to quote references.
【事前学習】Check newly written portions of chapter drafts; rewrite drafts based on feedback from previous week; continue writing chapter drafts. Check updated Works Cited list. Review research, discuss further research. (4時間)
【事後学習】Review feedback, revise chapter drafts and check research sources. (4時間)
11 Opinion and fact.
【事前学習】Check newly written portions of chapter drafts; rewrite drafts based on feedback from previous week; continue writing chapter drafts. (4時間)
【事後学習】Review feedback, revise chapter drafts. (4時間)
12 Discussion based on draft 1.
【事前学習】Check newly written portions of chapter drafts; rewrite drafts based on feedback from previous week; continue writing chapter drafts. Review research, discuss further research. (4時間)
【事後学習】Review feedback, revise chapter drafts and check research sources. (4時間)
13 Discussion based on draft 2.
【事前学習】Check newly written portions of chapter drafts; rewrite drafts based on feedback from previous week; continue writing chapter drafts. (4時間)
【事後学習】Review feedback, revise chapter drafts. (4時間)
14 Purpose of the paper.
【事前学習】Check newly written portions of chapter drafts; rewrite drafts based on feedback from previous week; continue writing chapter drafts. (4時間)
【事後学習】Review feedback, revise chapter drafts. (4時間)
15 How to summarize your ideas.
【事前学習】Check newly written portions of chapter drafts; rewrite drafts based on feedback from previous week; continue writing chapter drafts. Review research, discuss further research. (4時間)
【事後学習】Review feedback, revise chapter drafts and check research sources. (4時間)
16 Discussion based on draft 3.
【事前学習】Review of work done over the summer; planning the remaining advising sessions based on evaluation of progress; begin work on second drafts of chapters. (4時間)
【事後学習】Review feedback, revise chapter drafts. (4時間)
17 Discussion based on draft 4.
【事前学習】Continue writing second drafts, with an aim to develop connections and relationships between parts of the essay. (4時間)
【事後学習】Review feedback, revise chapter drafts. (4時間)
18 Peer discussion.
【事前学習】Continue writing second drafts, with an aim to develop connections and relationships between parts of the essay. (4時間)
【事後学習】Review feedback, revise chapter drafts. (4時間)
19 How to proofread a draft.
【事前学習】Continue writing second drafts, with an aim to develop connections and relationships between parts of the essay. (4時間)
【事後学習】Review feedback, revise chapter drafts. (4時間)
20 How to compose 2nd chapter.
【事前学習】Complete second draft of chapters. Check updated Works Cited list. Review research, discuss further research. (4時間)
【事後学習】Review feedback, revise chapter drafts, Works Cited list, and research sources. (4時間)
21 How to compose 3rd chapter.
【事前学習】Begin final rewriting; clarify connections and points; rewrite introduction; aim to finish a final draft of the essay. (4時間)
【事後学習】Review feedback, revise final draft. (4時間)
22 How to compose 4th chapter.
【事前学習】Continue final rewriting. (4時間)
【事後学習】Review feedback, revise final draft. (4時間)
23 Proofreading and peer review
【事前学習】Proofread draft. (4時間)
【事後学習】Review feedback, revise final draft and research. (4時間)
24 Presentation based on the draft 1.
【事前学習】Prepare short presentation; review research. (4時間)
【事後学習】Review feedback, revise final draft. (4時間)
25 Presentation based on the draft 2.
【事前学習】Prepare short presentation; review research. (4時間)
【事後学習】Review feedback, revise final draft. (4時間)
26 How to compose a summary.
【事前学習】Continue final rewriting. (4時間)
【事後学習】Review feedback, revise final draft. (4時間)
27 Check consistency of the paper.
【事前学習】Check final draft, focusing on content, argument structure, quality of evidence. (4時間)
【事後学習】Review feedback, revise final draft. (4時間)
28 Draft completion and review.
【事前学習】Final check of content of final draft, focusing on grammar, vocabulary, sentence mechanics. (4時間)
【事後学習】Review feedback, revise final draft. (4時間)
29 Proofreading of the final draft.
【事前学習】Proofreading, check of Works Cited list, contents page, notes, title page. (4時間)
【事後学習】Review feedback, revise final draft. (4時間)
30 Discussion and review of the final draft and preparation for oral examination.
【事前学習】Final proofreading of final draft. (4時間)
【事後学習】Prepare for oral examination by rereading thesis, composing a summary, and considering ways the thesis could be improved. (4時間)
教科書 使用しない
参考書 使用しない
成績評価の方法及び基準 レポート:final draft of essay(80%)、evaluation of progress made on chapter drafts(20%)
Students’ participation will be measured by attitude and assessment of progress on the graduation thesis.
オフィスアワー Office hours by appointment, plus advising sessions Thursday 10:30-12:10; other meeting times may be arranged.
備考 The class schedule is subject to change. Consult Blackboard or contact me.
