文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 英語 > オーラル英語4



令和2年度以降入学者 オーラル英語4
令和元年度以前入学者 オーラル英語4
教員名 プストゥルカジョン
単位数    1 学年 2~4 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 外国語科目
学期 後期 履修区分 選択
授業の形態 In-Person Conducting in-person classes 8 times out of 15
Blackboard ID【20223355】オーラル英語4(プストゥルカジョン・後・木3)
授業概要 This course is a conversational course designed specifically for third- and fourth-year students. Increasing their functional ability to communicate in English is the objective of this course. The course will feature a wide range of interesting activities that encourage
Student interaction. Students will be able to learn and listen to English Vocabulary. Pair work will be the main focus on this class.
授業のねらい・到達目標 Able to satisfy the requirements of communicative exchanges in English. Able to understand paragraph-length utterances.(A-3-3)(A-4-3)(A-6-3)
Able to Listening task will be based on face-to-face conversations.(A-3-3)(A-4-3)(A-6-3)
Able to make a brief self-introduction in English.(A-3-3)(A-4-3)(A-6-3)
この科目は文理学部のDP及びCPの3, 4, 6 に対応している。
授業の方法 授業の形式:演習
There are 6 units per term. Each unit includes a varied set of activities for speaking, listening and language exchange. Students should spend 1 hour preparing for each class; this includes the homework.
Feedback will be given in the next time meetings of the tasks.
Students who live abroad and far away from the campus. Also, students who are permitted by CHS or departments they belong to, or students who is permitted by class teachers.
Complete assignments on Blackboard given each week.
1 Welcome Back session; Talk about your Summer Vacation and discuss the upcoming units for the second term
Talk about your Summer Vacation; Think about and discuss your plans for the second term

【事前学習】Be ready to talk about your Summer Vacation (30分時間)
【事後学習】Look over units 7 - 12 (30分時間)
2 Unit 7 Read and Discuss, Key Vocabulary【In-Person】
【事前学習】Study “Read and Discuss” and “Key Vocabulary” very carefully. (30分時間)
【事後学習】Look at what was covered today and review all material. (30分時間)
3 Unit 7 Mini Dialog, Conversation Jumble【In-Person】
【事前学習】Study “Mini Dialog” and “Conversation Jumble” very carefully. (30分時間)
【事後学習】Look at what was covered today and review all material. (30分時間)
4 Unit 8 Read and Discuss, Key Vocabulary【In-Person】
【事前学習】Study “Read and Discuss” and “Key Vocabulary” very carefully. (30分時間)
【事後学習】Look at what was covered today and review all material. (30分時間)
5 Unit 8 Mini Dialog, Conversation Jumble ON DEMAND CLASS (BLACKBOARD)
【事前学習】Study “Mini Dialog” and “Conversation Jumble” very carefully. (30分時間)
【事後学習】Look at what was covered today and review all material. (30分時間)
6 Unit 9 Play the material on Blackboard. ON DEMAND CLASS (BLACKBOARD)
Submit First Impressions, questions 1 to 5 and Language Point (one question of your choice); take a photo of your First Impressions and Language Point answers and send to Blackboard.
Do not send by email.
【事前学習】Study “Read and Discuss” and “Key Vocabulary” very carefully. (30分時間)
【事後学習】Look at what was covered today and review all material. (30分時間)
7 Unit 9 Play the material on Blackboard. ON DEMAND CLASS (BLACKBOARD)
Submit the Mini Dialog.; take a photo of your completed Mini Dialog and send to Blackboard. Do not send by email.
【事前学習】Study “Mini Dialog” and “Conversation Jumble” very carefully. (30分時間)
【事後学習】Look at what was covered today and review all material. (30分時間)
8 Unit 10 Play the material on Blackboard. ON DEMAND CLASS (BLACKBOARD)
Submit First Impressions, questions 1 to 5 and Language Point (one question of your choice); take a photo of your First Impressions and Language Point answers and send to Blackboard.
Do not send by email.
【事前学習】Study “Read and Discuss” and “Key Vocabulary” very carefully. (30分時間)
【事後学習】Look at what was covered today and review all material. (30分時間)
9 Unit 10 Play the material on Blackboard. ON DEMAND CLASS (BLACKBOARD)
Submit the Mini Dialog.; take a photo of your completed Mini Dialog and send to Blackboard. Do not send by email.
【事前学習】Study “Mini Dialog” and “Conversation Jumble” very carefully. (30分時間)
【事後学習】Look at what was covered today and review all material. (30分時間)
10 Unit 11 Play the material on Blackboard. ON DEMAND CLASS (BLACKBOARD)
Submit First Impressions, questions 1 to 5 and Language Point (one question of your choice); take a photo of your First Impressions and Language Point answers and send to Blackboard.
Do not send by email.
【事前学習】Study “Read and Discuss” and “Key Vocabulary” very carefully. (30分時間)
【事後学習】Look at what was covered today and review all material. (30分時間)
11 Unit 11 Play the material on Blackboard. ON DEMAND CLASS
Submit the Mini Dialog.; take a photo of your completed Mini Dialog and send to Blackboard. Do not send by email.
【事前学習】Study “Mini Dialog” and “Conversation Jumble” very carefully. (30分時間)
【事後学習】Look at what was covered today and review all material. (30分時間)
12 Unit 12 Play the material on Blackboard. 【In-Person】
Submit First Impressions, questions 1 to 5 and Language Point (one question of your choice); take a photo of your First Impressions and Language Point answers and send to Blackboard.
Do not send by email.
【事前学習】Study “Read and Discuss” and “Key Vocabulary” very carefully. (30分時間)
【事後学習】Look at what was covered today and review all material. (30分時間)
13 Unit 12 Mini Dialog, Conversation Jumble【In-Person】
【事前学習】Study “Mini Dialog” and “Conversation Jumble” very carefully. (30分時間)
【事後学習】Look at what was covered today and review all material. (30分時間)
14 Oral Performance (based on one of the Mini Dialogs); select a Mini Dialog from one of the units (7-12), and speak the dialog with a partner twice. Second time, change the speaking role. Using textbook is acceptable however eye contact is very important.【In-Person】
【事前学習】Find a partner, decide on the Mini Dialog, practice with your partner. (30分時間)
【事後学習】Talk to your partner about your performance today. (30分時間)
15 Review, Commentary and Feedback【In-Person】
【事前学習】Get ready to look back at some of the units. (30分時間)
【事後学習】Look back at the vocabulary that was covered during the term. (30分時間)
教科書 Michael Dyer, Social Issues in the Movies (Book 3), DTP, 2021 or 2022 Edition 『Social Issues in the Movies (Book 3) (Michael Dyer)』 DTP, 2021 or 2022 Edition 第2021版
参考書 使用しない
成績評価の方法及び基準 授業内テスト:Oral Performance(50%)、授業参画度:Completed textbook work(50%)
Oral Performance 50%, Textbook work 50%
Student participation will be measured by active participation in each class and the oral performance test.
For students who cannot attend in-person classes. Evaluate tasks on Blackboard.

オフィスアワー After each class in the classroom
