文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 英語 > 英語2 (中文・社会福祉)(英文)(心理)

英語2 (中文・社会福祉)(英文)(心理)


令和2年度以降入学者 英語2 (中文・社会福祉)(英文)(心理)
令和元年度以前入学者 英語2
教員名 ウィーバークリストファー
単位数    1 学年 1~4 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 外国語科目
学期 後期 履修区分 選択必修
授業の形態 オンデマンド型
Blackboard IDs
授業概要 The purpose of this course is to learn how to describe and more importantly to analyze data.
授業のねらい・到達目標 The Can-Do Statements for this course are:
I can describe data in simple graphs such as a pie and bar chart in English.
I can describe data in more complex graphs such as a box and whisker diagram and a scatter plot in English.
I can describe major trends found in data in English.
I can describe major segments found in data in English.
I can explain the relationship between different sets of data in English.
I can give examples that help people understand the meaning of data in English.

この科目は文理学部のDP及びCPの2, 3, 6 に対応している。
授業の方法 Students will complete weekly assignments linked to a series of short YouTube videos on Google Classroom that will help them enhance their job hunting skills. In addition, students will research employment opportunities at a company of their choice. The teacher will offer Zoom meeting for the class to help them to successfully complete the assignments.

1 The Music Industryオンデマンド型 Learning about how consumers are moving away from buying music to just streaming it. 1. Watch the weekly Youtube videos and answer the comprehension questions on the online classroom (Blackboard). 2. Complete the activities in the textbook pages 1-4 and submit the answers on the online classroom (Blackboard). 3. Write and submit the weekly assignment on page 4 on the online classroom (Blackboard).
【事前学習】.5 (時間)
【事後学習】.5 (時間)
2 Automotive Industryオンデマンド型 Learning about the Japanese automobile's current situation 1. Watch the weekly Youtube videos and answer the comprehension questions on the online classroom (Blackboard). 2. Complete the activities in the textbook pages 5-8 and submit the answers on the online classroom (Blackboard). 3. Write and submit the weekly assignment on page 8 on the online classroom (Blackboard).
【事前学習】.5 (時間)
【事後学習】.5 (時間)
3 Mobile Bankingオンデマンド型 Learning about how consumers are starting to use e-services 1. Watch the weekly Youtube videos and answer the comprehension questions on the online classroom (Blackboard). 2. Complete the activities in the textbook pages 9-12 and submit the answers on the online classroom (Blackboard). 3. Write and submit the weekly assignment on page 12 on the online classroom (Blackboard).
【事前学習】.5 (時間)
【事後学習】.5 (時間)
4 Currency Exchangeオンデマンド型 Learning about how the value of different currencies differ. 1. Watch the weekly Youtube videos and answer the comprehension questions on the online classroom (Blackboard). 2. Complete the activities in the textbook pages 13-16 and submit the answers on the online classroom (Blackboard). 3. Write and submit the weekly assignment on page 16 on the online classroom (Blackboard).
【事前学習】.5 (時間)
【事後学習】.5 (時間)
5 World Tradeオンデマンド型 Learning about how countries differ according to how much they import and export 1. Watch the weekly Youtube videos and answer the comprehension questions on the online classroom (Blackboard). 2. Complete the activities in the textbook pages 17-20 and submit the answers on the online classroom (Blackboard). 3. Write and submit the weekly assignment on page 20 on the online classroom (Blackboard).
【事前学習】.5 (時間)
【事後学習】.5 (時間)
6 International Tourismオンデマンド型 Learning about how countries differ as travel destinations 1. Watch the weekly Youtube videos and answer the comprehension questions on the online classroom (Blackboard). 2. Complete the activities in the textbook pages 21-24 and submit the answers on the online classroom (Blackboard). 3. Write and submit the weekly assignment on page 24 on the online classroom (Blackboard).
【事前学習】.5 (時間)
【事後学習】.5 (時間)
7 Studying Abroad オンデマンド型 Learning about the most popular destinations for Japanese students to study abroad 1. Watch the weekly Youtube videos and answer the comprehension questions on the online classroom (Blackboard). 2. Complete the activities in the textbook pages 25-28 and submit the answers on the online classroom (Blackboard). 3. Write and submit the weekly assignment on page 28 on the online classroom (Blackboard).
【事前学習】.5 (時間)
【事後学習】.5 (時間)
8 Job Preparednessオンデマンド型 Learning about what companies want new graduates to have 1. Watch the weekly Youtube videos and answer the comprehension questions on the online classroom (Blackboard). 2. Complete the activities in the textbook pages 29-32 and submit the answers on the online classroom (Blackboard). 3. Write and submit the weekly assignment on page 32 on the online classroom (Blackboard).
【事前学習】.5 (時間)
【事後学習】.5 (時間)
9 Corporate Ladderオンデマンド型 Learning about how a company organizes itself to best serve customers 1. Watch the weekly Youtube videos and answer the comprehension questions on the online classroom (Blackboard). 2. Complete the activities in the textbook pages 33-36 and submit the answers on the online classroom (Blackboard). 3. Write and submit the weekly assignment on page 36 on the online classroom (Blackboard).
【事前学習】.5 (時間)
【事後学習】.5 (時間)
10 Youth Migration オンデマンド型 Learning about which countries young people are willing to leave 1. Watch the weekly Youtube videos and answer the comprehension questions on the online classroom (Blackboard). 2. Complete the activities in the textbook pages 37-40 and submit the answers on the online classroom (Blackboard). 3. Write and submit the weekly assignment on page 40 on the online classroom (Blackboard).
【事前学習】.5 (時間)
【事後学習】.5 (時間)
11 Population Growthオンデマンド型 Learning about how countries differ according to their population composition 1. Watch the weekly Youtube videos and answer the comprehension questions on the online classroom (Blackboard). 2. Complete the activities in the textbook pages 41-44 and submit the answers on the online classroom (Blackboard). 3. Write and submit the weekly assignment on page 44 on the online classroom (Blackboard).
【事前学習】.5 (時間)
【事後学習】.5 (時間)
12 Household Debtオンデマンド型 Learning about the sources of debt that Americans face 1. Watch the weekly Youtube videos and answer the comprehension questions on the online classroom (Blackboard). 2. Complete the activities in the textbook pages 45-48 and submit the answers on the online classroom (Blackboard). 3. Write and submit the weekly assignment on page 48 on the online classroom (Blackboard).
【事前学習】.5 (時間)
【事後学習】.5 (時間)
13 Life Satisfactionオンデマンド型 Learning about how countries differ according to how satisfied its citizens are. 1. Watch the weekly Youtube videos and answer the comprehension questions on the online classroom (Blackboard). 2. Complete the activities in the textbook pages 49-52 and submit the answers on the online classroom (Blackboard). 3. Write and submit the weekly assignment on page 52 on the online classroom (Blackboard).
【事前学習】.5 (時間)
【事後学習】.5 (時間)
14 Fair Tradeオンデマンド型 Learning about the different products sold under fair trade prices 1. Watch the weekly Youtube videos and answer the comprehension questions on the online classroom (Blackboard). 2. Complete the activities in the textbook pages 53-56 and submit the answers on the online classroom (Blackboard). 3. Write and submit the weekly assignment on page 56 on the online classroom (Blackboard).
【事前学習】.5 (時間)
【事後学習】.5 (時間)
15 Stock Marketオンデマンド型 Learning about how the price of stocks varies over time 1. Watch the weekly Youtube videos and answer the comprehension questions on the online classroom (Blackboard). 2. Complete the activities in the textbook pages 57-60 and submit the answers on the online classroom (Blackboard). 3. Write and submit the weekly assignment on page 60 on the online classroom (Blackboard).
【事前学習】.5 (時間)
【事後学習】.5 (時間)
教科書 Weaver, C, Data Description (ISBN978-4-87768-350-4 C6037 2200E), Harumasyoin (www.harimasyoin.com/index.php), 2021, 1 edition
参考書 使用しない
成績評価の方法及び基準 レポート:weekly Google Classroom assignments(50%)、授業内テスト:weekly listening tests(50%)
オフィスアワー Students can contact the teacher through Google Classroom for assistance.
