文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 英語 > 英語1 (社会)(国文)(体育)(ドイツ文・地球科学)

英語1 (社会)(国文)(体育)(ドイツ文・地球科学)


令和2年度以降入学者 英語1 (社会)(国文)(体育)(ドイツ文・地球科学)
令和元年度以前入学者 英語1
教員名 ソーントンティム
単位数    1 学年 1~4 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 外国語科目
学期 前期 履修区分 選択必修
授業の形態 For the Spring semester, this course will be online. We will use Zoom to create a class as close to being in the classroom as possible. Classes will be held during our scheduled time. The login details for our Zoom meetings will be the same every week.

Our online classes like be like meeting in a real classroom. When you come to class, you need to turn on both your audio and video so that we can communicate. You are required to participate in class, so please make sure that you are in a place where you can turn on your video and talk comfortably. No recording is allowed in class, I feel self-conscious if I am being recorded, maybe you and your fellow class members feel the same too, so let’s just enjoy a live class!

* 初回授業時までに Blackboard でコース登録をし、こまめに情報を確認すること。
*(Blackboard のコース登録に加え)履修登録期間中に CHIPS で履修登録を行うこと。
授業概要 I will do my best to follow the schedule below, but it may change so I will send class notes to Blackboard each week with instructions for the next class.

Learning a language also includes some elements of cultural study. I want you to be able to understand how English is used so I will communicate in a natural manner, this means that the class format is not a ‘lecture format’ you will be encouraged to interact with me and your class members. Although we are in a classroom situation, I hope this will be something closer to the way you will encounter English language.
授業のねらい・到達目標 The aim of the course is for you to build on your existing knowledge and increase your confidence so that you can express your opinions and talk about your ideas in English.

Throughout the course you should be able to increase your vocabulary, construct sentences to express your ideas, ask questions and respond to the opinions of others. Students are supposed to spend 1 hour to complete preparation and homework on each class, this may vary from week to week depending on the task.

授業の方法 In addition to the textbook, you will have the opportunity to work in groups to research and create your own presentations. We are scheduled to make two presentations in the Spring semester.

It is difficult to build relationships online so I would also like to encourage you to find a study partner so that you can work on your homework together and help each other.

履修条件 ①英語習熟度別クラス分けテストを受け、その結果により振り分けられたクラスで履修すること。
1 An introduction to the course, the textbook and to each other.

I would like to start using the textbook in the first class, in case your books haven’t arrived by then, I will also make a pdf of the pages. You will be able to find this and the login details for our Zoom meeting on Blackboard.
【事前学習】Prepare a short self-introduction, include some of your personal interests and why you chose to study your major subject. (時間 0.5)
【事後学習】In the Language Bank section at the back of the textbook, review the grammar section for 1.1 on page 128 and complete the practice section for 1.1 on page 129 (時間 0,5)
2 Unit 1.2 - True Love
Using the simple past tense, talking about relationships, listening to stories about proposals of marriage.
【事前学習】Review 1.2 True Love on page 10. (時間 0.5)
【事後学習】In the Language Bank on page 128/129, review the Grammar and complete the Practice section for 1.2 (時間 0.5)
3 Unit 1.3 Nice Day, isn’t it?
Making conversation and conversation topics.
【事前学習】Review 1.3 Nice Day, isn’t it? on page 12. (時間 0.5)
【事後学習】Review the Grammar and complete the Practice section for 1.3 in the Language Bank on page 128/129. (時間 0.5)
4 Unit 1.4 Someone Special
Watch an extract from a sitcom about a woman called Miranda, talk about important people in your life.
【事前学習】Review 1.4 Someone Special on page 14. (時間 0.5)
【事後学習】Make a list of three cities that you think may be be interesting as presentation topics. (時間 0.5)
5 Briefing for a group presentation project about Cities.
【事前学習】Prepare ideas to discuss with your group members. (時間 0.5)
【事後学習】Practice reading your sentences from class aloud. (時間 0.5)
6 This week you will meet with your group members to create your presentation about your chosen city.
【事前学習】Prepare ideas to discuss with your group members. (時間 0.5)
【事後学習】Practice reading your presentation aloud before class. (時間 0.5)
7 Cities presentations. Listen carefully to your classmates presentations and try to think of some questions that you could ask after each presentation.
【事前学習】Practice reading your presentation aloud. (時間 0.5)
【事後学習】Tell me which presentation you liked the most and why. (時間 0.5)
8 Unit 2.1 Work
Present simple and continuous. Listen to interviews about jobs and talk about what motivates you at work.
【事前学習】Review Unit 2.1 Work on page 18 (時間 0.5)
【事後学習】Review the Grammar and complete the Practice section for 2.1 in the Language Bank on page 130/131. (時間 0.5)
9 Unit 2.2 A Risky Business
Adverbs of frequency. Reading about dangerous jobs.
【事前学習】Review Unit 2.2 A Risky Buisness on page 20. (時間 0.5)
【事後学習】Review the Grammar and complete the Practice section for 2.2 in the Language Bank on page 130/131. (時間 0.5)
10 Unit 2.3 I Like Working Outside
Expressing likes and dislikes, sounding interested and talking about your perfect job.
【事前学習】Review Unit 2.3 I Like Working Outside on page 22 (時間 0.5)
【事後学習】Review the Grammar and complete the Practice section for 2.3 in the Language Bank on page 130/131. (時間 0.5)
11 Unit 2.4 Dream Commuters
Watch an extract from a documentary about commuting. Describe your work/life balance.
【事前学習】Review Unit 2.4 Dream Commuters on page 24. (時間 0.5)
【事後学習】 Complete 2.5 Look Back on page 26 with your study partner. (時間 0.5)
12 Briefing for story telling project. You will work in groups to create a story that you will tell to the class on the last day of the semester.
【事前学習】Be prepared to talk with your group about the kind of story you will tell. (時間 0.5)
【事後学習】Meet online with your group to discuss/plan your story. (時間 0.5)
13 3.1 Free in NYC
Future plans and writing emails.
【事前学習】Meet online with your group to discuss progress and plan your story (時間 0.5)
【事後学習】Meet online with your group to discuss progress and plan your story (時間 0.5)
14 3.4 Rio de Janeiro
Watch an extract from a travel programme about visiting Rio de Janeiro and plan a perfect day out.
【事前学習】Meet online with your group to discuss progress and plan your story (時間 0.5)
【事後学習】Meet online with your group to discuss progress and plan your story (時間 0.5)
15 In our final class of the semester you will tell your stories to the class.
【事前学習】Practice reading your story aloud with audio & visuals. (時間 0.5)
【事後学習】Tell me which was your favourite story. (時間 0.5)
教科書 Antonia Clare and JJ Wilson, SPEAKOUT:Pre-Intermediate (Students' Book with DVD), Pearson, 2015, 2nd edition
参考書 使用しない
成績評価の方法及び基準 試験(20%)、授業参画度(50%)、Group presentations(30%)
Classwork will be assessed based on your ability to make good use of the textbook, contribution during group projects/presentations and communication with your fellow students.
Examinations will be measured by a written assignment during the semester.
Students’ participation will be measured by attitude.
オフィスアワー You can contact me by email anytime. I will give you my address in our first class.
