文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 英語 > 英語2 (哲学・中文・社会福祉)

英語2 (哲学・中文・社会福祉)


令和2年度入学者 英語2 (哲学・中文・社会福祉)
教員名 スピガニシーフランク
単位数    1 学年    1 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 外国語科目
学期 後期 履修区分 選択
授業の形態 This class will facilitate online teaching methods. The main software will be PowerPoint. There will be a recorded audio lesson track for the students to follow and help guide them through the tasks. Most lessons will be about 90 minutes long including homework, research and independent activities. Most but not all lessons will coincide with the assigned textbook. We will use the Blackboard. Here is the Blackboard ID: 20200342.
授業概要 The general purpose of this class is to introduce students to new language and new grammar that will broaden their general English understanding. While we will be using new language, we will also be reactivating the students English learned from past years of high school and junior high school. Boosting confidence will also be a part of the overall system.
授業のねらい・到達目標 The goals of this class are to help students put themselves in situations where they may actually use English on a day-to-day basis. Whether traveling or living overseas or interacting with non-Japanese in Japan, we will make the communication more viable. By the end of the class, each student should be able to engage in conversation, ask questions and relay information in a clear and concise manner.この科目は文理学部のDP及びCPの2, 3, 6 に対応している。
授業の方法 The style of this class is serious with a heavy dose of fun and in-class interaction. Students will be required to speak with other students as well as the teacher in English. Most classes will begin with a word activity to stimulate the brain. This will be followed by guided conversation, the textbook, another conversation activity and finally a review.
1 Vocabulary builder or grammar challenger warm up.First guided conversation. Textbook activities with audio (or video) segment. Second guided conversation task.
【事前学習】Prepare for the upcoming class/unit. (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Review of target structure. Homework assigned. (30 minutes時間)
2 Vocabulary builder or grammar challenger warm up.First guided conversation. Textbook activities with audio (or video) segment. Second guided conversation task.
【事前学習】Prepare for the upcoming class/unit. (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Review of target structure. Homework assigned. (30 minutes時間)
3 Vocabulary builder or grammar challenger warm up.First guided conversation. Textbook activities with audio (or video) segment. Second guided conversation task.
【事前学習】Prepare for the upcoming class/unit. (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Review of target structure. Homework assigned. (30 minutes時間)
4 Vocabulary builder or grammar challenger warm up.First guided conversation. Textbook activities with audio (or video) segment. Second guided conversation task.
【事前学習】Prepare for the upcoming class/unit. (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Review of target structure. Homework assigned. (30 minutes時間)
5 Vocabulary builder or grammar challenger warm up.First guided conversation. Textbook activities with audio (or video) segment. Second guided conversation task.
【事前学習】Prepare for the upcoming class/unit. (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Review of target structure. Homework assigned. (30 minutes時間)
6 Vocabulary builder or grammar challenger warm up.First guided conversation. Textbook activities with audio (or video) segment. Second guided conversation task.
【事前学習】Prepare for the upcoming class/unit. (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Review of target structure. Homework assigned. (30 minutes時間)
7 Vocabulary builder or grammar challenger warm up.First guided conversation. Textbook activities with audio (or video) segment. Second guided conversation task.
【事前学習】Prepare for the upcoming class/unit. (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Review of target structure. Homework assigned. (30 minutes時間)
8 Vocabulary builder or grammar challenger warm up.First guided conversation. Textbook activities with audio (or video) segment. Second guided conversation task.
【事前学習】Prepare for the upcoming class/unit. (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Review of target structure. Homework assigned. (30 minutes時間)
9 Vocabulary builder or grammar challenger warm up.First guided conversation. Textbook activities with audio (or video) segment. Second guided conversation task.
【事前学習】Prepare for the upcoming class/unit. (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Review of target structure. Homework assigned. (30 minutes時間)
10 Vocabulary builder or grammar challenger warm up.First guided conversation. Textbook activities with audio (or video) segment. Second guided conversation task.
【事前学習】Prepare for the upcoming class/unit. (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Review of target structure. Homework assigned. (30 minutes時間)
11 Vocabulary builder or grammar challenger warm up.First guided conversation. Textbook activities with audio (or video) segment. Second guided conversation task.
【事前学習】Prepare for the upcoming class/unit. (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Review of target structure. Homework assigned. (30 minutes時間)
12 Vocabulary builder or grammar challenger warm up.First guided conversation. Textbook activities with audio (or video) segment. Second guided conversation task.
【事前学習】Prepare for the upcoming class/unit. (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Review of target structure. Homework assigned. Final test study guide assigned. (30 minutes時間)
13 Vocabulary builder or grammar challenger warm up.First guided conversation. Textbook activities with audio (or video) segment. Second guided conversation task.
【事前学習】Prepare for the speaking test. (45 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Review of target structure. Homework assigned. Prepare for the speaking test. (45 minutes時間)
14 Speaking test
【事前学習】Prepare for the book test. (45 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Prepare for the book test. (45 minutes時間)
15 Book test
【事前学習】Prepare for the book test. (45 minutes時間)
【事後学習】review the book test. (45 minutes時間)
教科書 『Interchange Fourth Edition (Student Book 1) (Cambridge )』
参考書 使用しない
成績評価の方法及び基準 試験(25%)、レポート:Topics to be chosen by students. (25%)、授業内テスト:Online quizzes. (25%)、授業参画度:Review checkups. (25%)
The above guidelines still apply. Punctual submissions will play a large part in determining the final grade of each student.Some exceptions will be allowed for emergency situations, but in general, promptness will be of the utmost importance.Please keep this in mind.
オフィスアワー Friday from 230pm.
