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総合研究1~8(Chinese and Japanese Comprative Literature)


令和2年度入学者 総合研究1~8(Chinese and Japanese Comprative Literature)
令和元年度以前入学者 総合研究1~8(Chinese and Japanese Comprative Literature)
教員名 梅川純代
単位数    2 学年 1~4 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 総合教育科目
学期 後期 履修区分 選択
授業の形態 blackboardによるオンデマンド、課題配信
blackboard ID 20200267
授業概要 This lecture investigates Japanese material which has basis in or has been inspired by a Chinese story. By reading two materials, we will compare and contrust the two stories sharing the same plot.
授業のねらい・到達目標 Focusing mainly on the differences, we will examin the regional, cultural and philosophical differences as underlying causations for the alterations.

授業の方法 This lecture will be given in the combination of lecture style, individual work and group discussion. All Japanese and Chinese materials are to be read in English translation. Students will fill the worksheet individually, and then proceed to do the group discussion to obtain wider viewpoints as well as variations in approach. Finally, the discussion will be opened to the whole class, to share the ideas. Every students will be required to write two short essays during the term, in addition to the final long essay.
期間中の2本のショートエッセイ、最後のロングエッセイで採点をします。ただし、配信ごとにノートまたは課題を、メールで提出してください。アドレスはt0001835@stu.chs.nihon-u.ac.jp または qrmyd952@ybb.ne.jp まで
1 Introduction : information about the lecture plan, lecture style, marking, as well as rough history of Chinese literature and essay writing(A-1-1)
2 1
lecture on the backgrounds for the comparison--Chinese literary genre,Japanese Urashima ledgend, folkloristic approach toward the idea of "the other world" in China and Japan
【事前学習】check "Urashima" song (2時間)
【事後学習】start reading the first material (2時間)
3 2
Reading "Tiantai Earnu"--filling the worksheet, group discussion
【事前学習】reading the first material (2時間)
【事後学習】start reading the second material (2時間)
4 3
Reading "Continual Ledgend of Urashima"--filling the worksheet, group discussion
【事前学習】reading the second material (2時間)
【事後学習】review the worksheets (2時間)
5 4
Open Discussion and Preparation for the short essay
【事前学習】review the worksheets (2時間)
【事後学習】write the short essay (2時間)
6 1
Lecture on the Backgrounds for the Comparison--, Chinese literary genre, Biographical information about Nakajima Atsushi, the relation between poetry and politics in China
【事前学習】check "Sangetuki" (2時間)
【事後学習】start reading the third material (2時間)
7 2
Reading "The Tale of Weretiger"--filling the worksheet, group discussion
【事前学習】reading the third material (2時間)
【事後学習】start reading the fourth material (2時間)
8 3
Reading "The Moon Over the Mountain"--filling the worksheet, group discussion
【事前学習】reading the fourth material (2時間)
【事後学習】review the worksheets (2時間)
9 4
Open Discussion and Preparation forthe short essay
【事前学習】review the worksheets (2時間)
【事後学習】Write the short essay (2時間)
10 1
Lecture on the background for the Comparison--variation of Chinese tales, biographical information about Ueda Akinari, the images of snake in the West and the East, religious accounts for sexual activities
【事前学習】check "Ugetsu Monogatari" (2時間)
【事後学習】start reading the fifth material (2時間)
11 2
Reading the first half of the Tale of White Serpent--filling the worksheet, group discussion
【事前学習】reading the fifth material (2時間)
【事後学習】continue reading of the fifth material (2時間)
12 3
Reading the latter half of the Tale of White Serpent--filling the worksheet, group discussion
【事前学習】continue reading the fifth material (2時間)
【事後学習】start reading the sixth material (2時間)
13 4
Reading the first half of The lust--filling the worksheet, group discussion
【事前学習】continue reading the sixth material (2時間)
【事後学習】continue reading the sixth material (2時間)
14 5
Reading the latter half of The Lust--filling the worksheet, group discussion
【事前学習】continue reading the sixth material (2時間)
【事後学習】review the worksheets (2時間)
15 6(A-1-1)
Open Discusson and Filling up the Comparison Sheet
【事前学習】review the worksheets (2時間)
【事後学習】review the worksheets (2時間)
教科書 使用しない
参考書 使用しない
成績評価の方法及び基準 レポート:final long essay(60%)、授業参画度:two short essays(40%)
オフィスアワー qrmyd952@ybb.ne.jp
