文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 総合 II 群 > International Affairs 2

International Affairs 2


令和元年度入学者 International Affairs 2
教員名 村上直久
単位数    2 学年 1~4 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 総合教育科目
学期 半期 履修区分 選択
授業概要 This couse aims to give an overview of and deep understanding of current international affairs focusing on global issues and how they are being addressed.
授業のねらい・到達目標 This course is designed to help participating students get to know better current international affairs and their backgrounds.
It also aims to help students familiarize themselves with breaking international news stories.

授業の方法 Mostly lecture, with students' participation encouraged in the forms of discussion and presentation.
Students should spend 2 hours each to complete their preparation and homework.
1 Orientation to explain the overview, purpose and method of this course.

【事前学習】Read Introduction of the text (pp 1-11).

【事後学習】 Write down points of your interest as regards current international affarirs.
2 Study the Cold War and how it came to an end.

【事前学習} Read the relevant newspaper articles to be distributed.

【事後学習】Write your opinion on the Cold War.
3 Study Brexit and the European integraton.

【事前学習】Read the section on European Union of the text (pp 94-102).

【事後学習】Write your opinion on Brexit.
4 Study the U.S. Trump administration's security and trade policies.
【事前学習】Read the section on U.S. foreign policy of the text (pp 22-26).

【事後学習】Write your opinion on U.S. security and trade policies.
5 Study the threat of nuclear weapons.

【事前学習】Read the secion on nuclear weaspons of the text (pp 111-120).

【事後学習】Write your opinion on the threat of nuclear weapons.
6 Study chemical and biologial weapons problems.
【事前学習】Read the secion on chemical and biological weapons of the text(pp 120-124)

【事後学習】Wrte your opinion on chemical and biological weapons.
7 Study genoicde and other human rights violations.
【事前学習】Read the section on genocide and other human rights violations of the text (pp 124-130)

【事後学習】Write your opinion on genocide and other human rights violations .
8 Study terrorist groups and networks.
【事前学習】Read the section on terrorist groups and networks of the text (pp 72-78).

【事後学習】Write your opinion on terrorist groups and networks.
9 Study refugee problems.
【事前学習】Read the handout on refugee problems to be distributed.

【事後学習】Write your opinion on refugee problems.
10 Study population explosion.
【事前学習】Read the handout on population explosion to be distributed.

【事後学習】Write your opinion on population explosion.
11 Study mega FTA deals.
【事前学習】Read the handout on mega FTA deals to be distributed.
【事後学習】Write your opinion on mega FTA deals.
12 Study the role of the United Nations.
【事前学習】Read the section on the U.N. of the text (pp 87-94).

【事後学習】Write your opinion on the U.N.'s role.
13 Study populism in the world.
【事前学習】Read the handout on populism to be distributed.

【事後学習】Write your opinion on populism.
14 term-end test and explanation.
【事前学習】Read again the sections of the text covered in the class.

【事後学習】Review the resultof the test.
15 Summary and tips for further study.
【事前学習】Select topics for further study.

【事後学習】Devise your plan for further study.
教科書 Paul Wilkinson 『International Relations-A very short introduction』 Oxford University Press 2007年 第1版
参考書 使用しない
成績評価の方法及び基準 レポート(40%)、授業内テスト(60%)
オフィスアワー 10 minutes after the class (appointment needed)
