文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 英文学科 > 卒業論文研究ゼミ2



科目名 卒業論文研究ゼミ2
教員名 チルトン, マイルズ
単位数    1 学年    3 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 英文学科
学期 後期 履修区分 必修
授業テーマ Reading and Writing: Prose, Essay Writing
授業のねらい・到達目標 There are two main purposes to this seminar: first, to help students become more skilled and confident readers and writers of English by learning how to enjoy and appreciate literary uses of English; and second, to prepare students to write a graduation thesis in English.
授業の方法 Prose means language that is neither poetic nor lyric; in other words, prose is the language of daily life. However, when used in fiction, prose has the power to move and inspire us. By learning how to closely read and write about short fiction, students will develop greater ability and enjoyment, not to mention confidence, in their use of English. They will also develop their abilities as critical thinkers and interpreters of complex texts, abilities that will help them write their graduation theses.
事前学修・事後学修,授業計画コメント Students are required to do the readings and complete the homework assignments in order to prepare for class.
1 Prose: How to read a short story in English
Read the beginning of "The Yellow Wallpaper," Charlotte Perkins Gilman.
Homework: Read "The Yellow Wallpaper;" answer reading questions.
2 Prose: How to read a short story in English
Discuss homework answers; discuss "The Yellow Wallpaper."
Homework: Analytical paragraphs: making claims.
3 Prose: How to read a short story in English
Discuss homework responses.
Homework: Analytical paragraphs: evidence and analysis.
4 Prose: How to read a short story in English
Discuss homework responses.
Homework: Analytical paragraphs: integrating quotations; write an analytical paragraph.
5 Prose: How to read a short story in English
Peer review and discussion of drafts of analysis paragraphs.
Homework: Identifying themes: tasks, questions, writing theme statements.
6 Prose: How to Write a Research Essay in English
Discuss statements of the theme of "The Yellow Wallpaper."
Homework: Structuring an argument.
7 Prose: How to Write a Research Essay in English
Discuss argument structures.
Homework: Introductions: tasks and questions.
8 Prose: How to Write a Research Essay in English
Discuss homework responses.
Homework: How to use critical sources: library search, summarizing.
9 Prose: How to Write a Research Essay in English
Discuss critical sources homework.
Homework: How to use historical sources: library search, summarizing.
10 Prose: How to Write a Research Essay in English
Discuss historical sources homework.
Homework: Write an outline of the final essay.
11 Prose: How to Write a Research Essay in English
Discuss outlines.
Homework: Write a four-page first draft of final essay.
12 Prose: How to Write a Research Essay in English
Peer review and discussion of first drafts.
Homework: Write a second draft of final essay.
13 Prose: How to Write a Research Essay in English
Refining, re-drafting, discussion.
Homework: Write a third draft of final essay.
14 Prose: How to Write a Research Essay in English
Refining, re-drafting, discussion.
Homework: Write a fourth draft, and a short presentation based on final essay.
15 Prose: How to Write a Research Essay in English
Review, final discussion, essays due and final presentations.
教科書 All materials will be supplied by the instructor.
成績評価の方法及び基準 レポート(40%)、participation and homework assignments(40%)、presentation(20%)
オフィスアワー Monday 16:30-18:00, or by appointment.
