文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 英文学科 > 卒業論文



科目名 卒業論文
教員名 チルトン, マイルズ
単位数    8 学年    4 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 英文学科
学期 通年 履修区分 必修
指導可能な研究領域 Generally, any text or film in English! I have supervised graduation theses on a wide variety of areas, genres, and periods. If you want to write a sotsuron in English about literature or film, then I'm your guy!
目標 The overall purpose is to have students write, in English, a 30-page research essay. Specifically, students will work to establish a question or problem arising from their reading and interpretation of one or more texts, then write an argumentative essay in response to the question or problem. The response to the question or problem -- the thesis or main claim of the essay -- will be supported by research. Advising sessions are for students to ask questions, discuss problems, obtain information on research sources, and receive feedback on the organization of the essay and on matters of style, diction, grammar, and syntax.
方法 April-May: read, think, research, take notes; aim to establish key ideas, key words, and finish a basic outline.
June-August: read, more research, write a working main claim, begin writing chapter drafts; aim to write a working introduction and a chapter draft.
September-October: read, continue research, write chapter drafts, develop connections and relationships between parts of the essay; aim to finish second chapter drafts.
November-December: rewriting, clarify connections and points, rewrite introduction; aim to finish a final draft of the essay.
January: final rewriting, proofread, check in-text citations and Works Cited list.
評価方法 Essays will be evaluated in terms of quality of writing, organization, knowledge and understanding of text(s), quality of research.
オフィスアワー Monday 4:30-5:30, plus advising sessions Thursday 10:40-12:10; other meeting times may be arranged.
