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英米文学演習2 (2年生用)


英米文学演習2 (2年生用)
教員名 ロディコ,マウロ
単位数    1 学年    2 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 英文学科
学期 後期 履修区分 必修
授業テーマ Native English-speaking artists often draw on sources that were not originally in English, such as the Bible. This course presents some biblical stories as background for English literature and culture.
授業のねらい・到達目標 The main goal of this course is to read a few passages from the Bible, interpret them, and see how they are still present in English literature and culture.
授業の方法 Regular homework will ensure proper preparation for each class, while retention of all the material covered will be evaluated via frequent quizzes. Students will also be required to write an essay on a biblical topic of his/her choice.
事前学修・事後学修,授業計画コメント For homework, students must read new biblical stories and answer the comprehension questions as well as review previous stories for quizzes in the following classes.
1 The Hebrew Bible: Introduction (pages 3-5)
2 Samson 2/2 (pp. 88-90)
3 King Solomon (pp 109-12)
4 Ecclesiastes: Is It All in Vain? (158-61)
5 Amos: “Let Justice Roll Down” (185-6)
6 The New Testament: Introduction (193-5)
7 The Gospel of Matthew: Rabbi Jesus (207-9)
8 The Gospel of Matthew: A Head on a Platter – “Get Behind Me, Satan!” (211-5)
9 The Gospel of Matthew: Betrayed Expectations, Poor Old Judas – Death Betrayed (222-5)
10 The Gospel of Luke: The Good Samaritan (239-40) & The Prodigal Son (240-2)
11 The Gospel of John: Lazarus (248-9) & Doubting Thomas (251)
12 The Letters of Paul (257-61)
13 Revelation: Symbolism in Revelation – The Grapes of Wrath (269-72)
14 Consultations
15 Conclusion
教科書 BEAL, Timothy, Biblical Literacy: The Essential Bible Stories Everyone Needs to Know, HarperOne, 2009
For each class, students who forget their textbook or supplies will give 1% of their final grade to students who share their textbook or supplies.
成績評価の方法及び基準 平常点(12%)、レポート(22%)、授業参画度(14%)、13 Quizzes [4% each](52%)
オフィスアワー Wednesdays 3rd period (13:00 - 14:30)
