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Academic English 1


Academic English 1
教員名 キャラカー, リチャード / チルトン, マイルズ / ロディコ, マウロ / アンダーウッド, マイケル / ジェームズ, カルロ / ドゥルー, ウィリアム
単位数    1 学年    1 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 英文学科
学期 前期 履修区分 必修
授業テーマ The ways and means of studying English in the Department of English Language and Literature.
授業のねらい・到達目標 The main purpose of Academic English 1-2 is to introduce first-year English department students to the aims and methods of study they will need in order to progress through the entire curriculum. Specifically, the Academic English sequence aims to improve students’ abilities in the following: reading, understanding, and deploying the main concepts of linguistics; reading, analyzing, and interpreting literary works; writing academic essays; reading and evaluating classmates’ writing; listening to lectures; leading and participating in discussions; and giving academic presentations.
授業の方法 The first semester introduces academic writing skills in the first four weeks, then it introduces students to the rudiments of study in the main fields of the English department: literature and linguistics. The semester is divided into the Writing Unit, the Literature Unit, and the Linguistics Unit.
事前学修・事後学修,授業計画コメント Students are required to follow the instructions for preparation and homework for each class.
1 Introduction to the course
2 Writing a paragraph
Unit 1 Part 1 (pages 2-10)
Homework Outline (pages 11-12)
3 Writing a paragraph
Unit 1 Part 2 (pages 13-20)
Homework Write first draft of the paragraph
4 Writing a paragraph
Unit 1 Part 3 (pages 21-29)
Homework Exercise 6 (pages 29-31)
5 Writing a paragraph
Unit 1 Part 4 Peer editing/writing workshop of the paragraph from page 20
Homework Write final draft of the paragraph
6 “Developments in Linguistics” (pages 14-16 Pre-reading, Using Research Questions)
[collect final drafts of the paragraph]
Homework Reading (page 16)
7 “Developments in Linguistics” (pages 18-19 Extending Skills)
Homework Write a paragraph
8 “Developments in Linguistics” (page 17 “Branches of the linguistics tree”)
[collect the paragraph]
Oral presentation skills
Homework Prepare presentations on a branch of linguistics
9 “Developments in Linguistics”
10 “Charles” (pages 58-60)
Homework B The Story; C Understanding the Story (pages 61-67)
11 “Charles” (pages 68-69)
Homework Write a summary
12 “Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen” (pages 70-72) [collect the summary] Homework B The Story; C Understanding the Story (pages 73-80)
13 “Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen” (pages 81-82)
Homework Prepare a dramatization (page 83, Writing 5)
14 No class
15 Dramatizations and conclusion
教科書 Chin, Peter, et al. , Academic Writing Skills 1, Cambridge University Press ISBN 978-1-107-63622-4
Kay, Judith & Rosemary Gelshenen 『Discovering Fiction 1. 2nd ed. 』 Cambridge UP ISBN 978-1-107-65222-4
Manning, Anthony 『English for Language and Linguistics in Higher Education Studies』 Garnet, ISBN 978-1-85964-938-1
Other materials will be provided by the instructor.
成績評価の方法及び基準 レポート(44%)、授業参画度(14%)、presentation, dramatization(30%)、Homework(12%)
オフィスアワー Please consult each instructor.
