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英語1 (心理)


英語1 (心理)
教員名 ティーターズ,ステファン
単位数    1 学年    1 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 外国語科目
学期 前期 履修区分 選択
授業テーマ Using familiar, everyday topics to create language fluency in the learner's English ability.
授業のねらい・到達目標 To provide student's with familiar topics to help improve their speaking and listening ability and at the same time, give them the structures they need to build accuracy and confidence in their speaking.
授業の方法 A unit begins with a dialog or text about a situation. Using the situation as a base we will explore its vocabulary and grammar, do listenings and finally, a have a small group discussion or speaking exercise. To develop these skills, we will spend two or three weeks per unit.
履修条件 ①英語習熟度別クラス分けテストを受け、その結果により振り分けられたクラスで履修すること。
事前学修・事後学修,授業計画コメント Students can expect to have homework from the focus unit and news reading with comprehension questions. The homework is always checked, scored, and returned the week after it was assigned.
1 Course introduction and class procedures for in-class and out-of-class requirements will be reviewed.
The first homework will be a vocabulary-building exercise for Unit one.
2 Pronunciation exercise: 'a' and 'the' (part 1),
Intonation dialogs: 1-4.
Unit one: Playing Sports and Games (part 1).
Homework is a grammar-manipulation exercise from Sports and Games.
3 Pronunciation exercise: 'a' and 'the' (part 2).
Dialogs for intonation 5-7.
Unit one: Playing Sports and Games (part 2).
Homework is a pre-discussion exercise from Sports and Games.
4 Pronunciation exercise: 'to'.
Intonation dialogs 8-11.
Unit one: Playing Sports and Games (part 3), discussion class.
Homework will be a vocabulary-building exercise for Unit two.
5 Pronunciation exercise: 'of'.
Intonation dialogs 12-14.
Unit 2: Directions (part 1).
Homework will be a grammar exercise, from Unit 2.
6 Pronunciation exercise: Here, There, That question words.
Intonation dialogs 13-16.
Unit 2, Directions (part 2).
Homework will be a pre- discussion exercise, "A time I was Lost."
7 Pronunciation exercise practicing: 'would' contractions. I
Intonation dialogs 17-20.
Unit 2, Directions (part 3), group discussion day.
Homework will be a vocabulary-building exercise for Unit 3, Telephone.
8 Pronunciation exercise practicing: 'would' contractions. I
Intonation dialogs 17-20.
Unit 2, Directions (part 3), group discussion day.
Homework will be a vocabulary-building exercise for Unit 3, Telephone.
9 Pronunciation exercise: Words with beginning 'h'.
Intonation dialogs numbers 25-28.
Unit 3, Telephone (part 2), Grammar writing and oral practice.
Homework will be a pre-discussion warm-up exercise.
10 Pronunciation exercise: --ing verb forms.
Intonation dialogs titled 29-31.
Unit 3, Telephone (part 3), Group discussion: Give 5 advantages and 5 disadvantages of cellular phones.
Homework will be a vocabulary-building exercise for Unit 4, Shopping.
11 Pronunciation exercise: going to, want to, have to.
Intonation dialogs 32-35.
Unit 4, Shopping (part 1) Dialog and Vocabulary.
Homework will be a grammar-manipulation-exercise.Unit 4 (part 2)
12 Pronunciation exercise: 'be' in questions, present tense.
Intonation dialogs 36-38.
Unit 4, Shopping (part 2). Grammar written & oral practice.
Homework will be a pre- discussion warm-up exercise for Shopping unit.
13 Pronunciation exercise: be in questions, past tense
Intonation dialogs 39-41.
Unit 4: Shopping Discussion day.
Examination information will be discussed.
Homework will be studying for the exam.
14 No class will be held.
15 Final examination which is made up of vocabulary, dictation, reading, and a short essay sections.
教科書 Handouts
参考書 Handouts
成績評価の方法及び基準 平常点(20%)、レポート(10%)、授業内テスト(50%)、授業参画度(20%)
Students who are frequently absent or late will not receive credit for the course.
オフィスアワー Fridays: 8:30 a.m. in teacher's lounge.
Fridays: Lunch hour in teacher's lounge.
備考 Sleeping in class, playing with cell phones is prohibited.
