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英語2 (体育)


英語2 (体育)
教員名 ジョーンズ,ケネス
単位数    1 学年    1 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 外国語科目
学期 後期 履修区分 選択
授業テーマ Review of fundamentals of English grammar as well as introduction to worldview of the English language.
授業のねらい・到達目標 To practice and refine basic grammatical knowledge and skills.
授業の方法 Review of English structures in conversational use as introduced in assigned textbook supplemented with handouts. Written exercises in each class.
履修条件 ①英語習熟度別クラス分けテストを受け、その結果により振り分けられたクラスで履修すること。
事前学修・事後学修,授業計画コメント This syllabus will also be given out as a handout which will be reviewed, explained, and commented the first day of class, spring semester.
1 Preparation: study text, pages 32-33.
Review Useful Expressions as well as handout with further detail on variations and idioms. Exercises in class.
Review: read text, pages 34-37.
2 Preparation: study pages 34-37 of text.
Review and practice skits together with handout with further detail on variations and idioms. Exercises in class.
Review: read text, pages 38-41.
3 Preparation: study pages 38-41 of text.
Review and practice Useful Expressions together with handout with further detail on variations and idioms. Exercises in class.
Review: read text, page 42.
4 Preparation: read page 41 of text.
Exercises to be completed by each individual student
Review: read text, pages 43-45.
5 Preparation: study pages 43-45 of text.
Review and practice Skit and Useful Expressions together with handout with further detail on variations and idioms. Exercises in class.
Review: read text, pages 47-50.
6 Preparation: study pages 47-50 of text.
Review and practice Skits and Useful Expressions together with handout with further detail on variations and idioms. Exercises in class.
Review: read text, pages 56-57.
7 Preparation: study pages 56-57 of text.
Review and practice Useful Expressions together with handout with further detail on variations and idioms. Exercises in class.
Review: read text, pages 59-62.
8 Preparation: study pages 59-60 of text.
Review and practice Useful Expressions together with handout with further detail on variations and idioms. Exercises in class.
Review: look over text, page 59 and handout again.
9 Preparation: study page 59 of text and handout.
Exercises to be completed by individual student.
Review: read text, pages 65-66.
10 Preparation: study pages 65-66 of text.
Review and practice Useful Expressions together with handout with further detail on variations and idioms. Exercises in class.
Review: read text, page 71.
11 Preparation: read page 71 of text.
Handout on spatial relationships. Review handout and practice orally a few examples. Exercises in class.
Review: read text, page 73.
12 Preparation: study page 73 of text.
Review and practice Useful Expressions together with handout with further detail on variations and idioms. Exercises in class.
Review: read text, pages 74-79.
13 Preparation: study pages 74-79 of text.
Review and practice Useful Expressions together with handout with further detail on variations and idioms. Exercises in class.
Self-study homework: To be given in class at end of period and handed in with attendance last class.
Review: read text, pages 80-81.
14 Preparation: confirm correct answers of homework.
Review: read text, pages 91-92.
15 Preparation: study pages 91-92 of text.
Self-study homework collected at beginning of class along with 6taking of attendance. Late submissions not accepted, and no submission will be considered an absence for 14th class. Exercises to be done as a group, followed by exercises to be completely individually.
教科書 Mika Yanase & Faith Green, Input-Output, Nan'un-do, 2012, 4 edition
参考書 None assigned but students are encouraged to identify their weak points and use hard-copy dictionaries and reference books for their own needs.
成績評価の方法及び基準 平常点(25%)、授業参画度(25%)、As described below, attendance(25%)、As described below, in addition, improvement(25%)
Class work (25%), class participation (25%), effort shown in each class (25%), improvement in work or effort throughout the semester (25%). Attendance and conduct in class will amount to 50% of semester evaluation. The other 50% will be based on work and conduct in each class and overall improvement of same throughout the semester.
オフィスアワー I do not have an office. I will be available in the teachers lounge before 4th period on Thursdays and before 1st period on Fridays, as well as between and after classes in the classroom on both days.
備考 This class will be focused upon reviewing and reinforcing the fundamentals of English.
