科目名 平成28年度入学者 |
英語1 (哲学・中文) | ||||
科目名 平成27年度以前入学者 |
英語1 | ||||
教員名 | シェイド,エリック | ||||
単位数 | 1 | 学年 | 1 | 開講区分 | 文理学部 |
科目群 | 外国語科目 | ||||
学期 | 前期 | 履修区分 | 選択 |
授業テーマ | Develop communication and conversation abilities, along with reading, writing and listening, through regular practice. |
授業のねらい・到達目標 | The course is designed to help students set reasonable goals and to achieve those goals. The focus will be on spoken English after students have had some experience reading, listening, and writing. |
授業の方法 | There are sixteen units in the text book. Each unit includes activities for speaking, listening, reading, and writing. We will spend about two weeks on each section, along with regular vocabulary and pronunciation exercises. There will also be days devoted to cultural activities, and days when students will consider and discuss topics related to their chosen field of study. |
履修条件 | ①英語習熟度別クラス分けテストを受け、その結果により振り分けられたクラスで履修すること。 ②英語習熟度別クラス分けテスト未受験の者は、外国語教育センターで振り分けられたクラスで履修すること。振り分けられたクラス以外での履修はできません。 ③後期は同一教員による同一時限の「英語2」を履修すること。 ④卒業に必要な外国語科目として「英語」を選択した場合、必ずこの科目を履修すること。 |
事前学修・事後学修,授業計画コメント | Students will be given weekly homework, which will include brief writing assignments and exercises from the textbook. Students should be prepared to do up to one hour of homework each week, including watching and writing about short youtube videos. |
授業計画 | |
1 |
Course introduction. Preparation: Bring textbook. Write 80-100 words to introduce yourself. BRING A RECENT ID PHOTO 3cm x 4cm. |
2 |
Please call me Beth. Preparation: Choose a "Jessie and Mike" youtube video and write 80-100 words to explain the content. |
3 |
Names, countries, and nationalities. Preparation: Write 80-100 words to introduce a family member, friend, or neighbor. |
4 |
What do you do? Preparation: Choose a "Jessie and Mike" youtube video and write 80-100 words to explain the content. |
5 |
Jobs, workplaces, and school. Preparation: Write 80-100 words about your job, OR your mother's job, OR your father's job. |
6 |
How much is it? Preparation: Choose a "Jessie and Mike" youtube video and write 80-100 words to explain the content. |
7 |
Shopping and Prices. Preparation: Write 80-100 words about something, or some things, that you would like to buy, and explain why or why you can or can't buy it now. |
8 |
I really like Hip-hop Preparation: Choose a "Jessie and Mike" youtube video and write 80-100 words to explain the content. |
9 |
Music, Movies, and TV programs. Preparation: Write 80-100 words about your favorite music, movies, and/or TV programs. |
10 |
I come from a big family. Preparation: Choose a "Jessie and Mike" youtube video and write 80-100 words to explain the content. |
11 |
Families; typical families. Preparation: Write 80-100 words to describe your family. |
12 |
How often do you exercise? Preparation: Choose a "Jessie and Mike" youtube video and write 80-100 words to explain the content. |
13 |
Sports, fitness activities and exercise. Preparation: USING A PC AND PRINTER, TYPE YOUR REPORT, AND BRING YOUR REPORT TO CLASS. 200-250 WORDS LONG. TOPIC: YOUR MAJOR. |
14 |
We had a great time! Preparation: Choose a "Jessie and Mike" youtube video and write 80-100 words to explain the content. |
15 |
Free-time and weekend activities. Preparation: Write 80-100 words about how you spend your free time, or would like to spend your free time. |
その他 | |
教科書 | Jack C. Richards, Interchange Student's Book 1 Fourth Edition:Interchange, Cambridge University Press, 2013, Four edition |
成績評価の方法及び基準 | 平常点(30%)、レポート(30%)、Homework(40%) Students with six unexcused absences will fail the course. Students who are more than 30 minutes late without an excuse will be considered absent. Students who sleep during class will be marked absent. Absent students are still required to do homework. Students who copy other students' homework will first be given EXTRA homework and possibly fail the course. |
オフィスアワー | I will be available after class in the classroom. |
備考 | Please relax and try to enjoy the class time. Also please remember that if you do your homework, your time in class will be much more relaxing and productive. Also, you should NOT try to do your homework right before class. Instead, choose a time during the week when you can do the homework carefully without feeling rushed. Messy or incomplete homework will not be accepted and students will be asked to do it again. |