文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 英語 > オーラル英語2



教員名 ドゥルー,ウィリアム
単位数    1 学年 1~4 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 外国語科目
学期 後期 履修区分 選択
授業テーマ To increase vocabulary and also how to use new vocabulary in everyday conversation.
授業のねらい・到達目標 To improve vocabulary through reading interesting stories and how they relate to everyday conversation.
To practice pronunciation and listening which will help the student create their own stories.
授業の方法 This class will use a variety of different stories which will help them improve their grammar. There are 15 units in this textbook and we will cover one unit per class. Students will be working in pairs and small groups to find solutions to the questions.
履修条件 ・同一教員・同一時限で前期と後期を対にして履修すること。
事前学修・事後学修,授業計画コメント Must review past units and also prepare a list of questions to be asked in class.
1 Engineer is enthusiastic about new house.
Preparation:Read vocabulary list at the start of this chapter.
2 Man eats out.
Preparation:Read vocabulary list at the start of this chapter.
3 Out on a limb.
Preparation:Read vocabulary list at the start of this chapter.
4 On top of the world.
Preparation:Read vocabulary list at the start of this chapter.
5 Boy fights lion.
Preparation:Read vocabulary list at the start of this chapter.
6 Face to face.
Preparation:Read vocabulary list at the start of this chapter.
7 Globe-trotting.
Preparation:Read vocabulary list at the start of this chapter.
8 Fall mdly in love.
Preparation:Read vocabulary list at the start of this chapter.
9 Man ties the knot.
Preparation:Read vocabulary list at the start of this chapter
10 Seeing red.
Preparation:Read vocabulary list at the start of this chapter.
11 Hit the road.
Preparation:Read vocabulary list at the start of this chapter.
12 One of a kind.
Preparation:Read vocabulary list at the start of this chapter
13 Review of all chapters and Quiz/Test.
14 Homework: review units 1 to 7 on pages 44 to 50
15 Review of class homework.
教科書 Jann Huizenga, Can you believe it? Book 3:Stories and Idioms from real life, Oxford, 2000, 1 edition
成績評価の方法及び基準 試験(20%)、平常点(20%)、レポート(10%)、授業内テスト(40%)、授業参画度(10%)
オフィスアワー Wednesday from 12:00 to 1:00pm in the teachers lounge.
