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Academic English 2


Academic English 2
教員名 キャラカー,リチャード / チルトン,マイルズ / ロディコ,マウロ / アンダーウッド,マイケル / ドゥルー,ウィリアム
単位数    1 学年    1 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 英文学科
学期 後期 履修区分 必修
授業テーマ The ways and means of studying English in the Department of English Language and Literature.
授業のねらい・到達目標 The second semester builds on skills introduced in the first semester: reading, understanding, and deploying the main concepts of linguistics; reading, analyzing, and interpreting literary works; writing academic essays; reading and evaluating classmates’ writing; listening to lectures; leading and participating in discussions; and giving academic presentations. More specific academic writing skills will be practiced in the first three weeks. Students will write two two-page essays, one for the Literature Unit, and another for the Linguistics Unit.
授業の方法 In the Writing Unit, students write multi-paragraph essays that include thesis statements, introductory, body, and concluding paragraphs, while improving their written fluency. In the Literature Unit, students read a short story by Ernest Hemingway, complete vocabulary and grammar tasks, then complete interpretive tasks that require students to respond to the themes and conflicts in the story through dramatizations, presentations, and a two-page essay. In the Linguistics Unit, students read two short passages on gender and linguistics: one expository and one interview, complete comprehension questions on the passages. Furthermore, students will discuss relevant themes, carry out literal grammar and vocabulary exercises, and perform interpretive tasks including mock interviews and a compare/contrast four-paragraph essay.
事前学修・事後学修,授業計画コメント Students are required to follow the instructions for preparation and homework for each class.
1 Writing Unit
Writing an Essay (from Academic Writing Skills 1)
Part 1 From a paragraph to an essay
Section 1 What is an essay?
Section 2 The structure of an essay (Exercise 1)
Section 3 Writing a thesis statement (Exercise 2)
Section 4 Writing the topic sentences of body paragraphs (Exercise 3)
Section 5 Transitional expressions and avoiding repetition (Exercise 4, 5)
Section 6 Making an essay outline (Homework: Exercise 6, 7)
2 Writing an Essay
Part 2 Writing an essay
Section 1 Developing body paragraphs (Exercise 1, 2)
Section 2 Writing an introductory paragraph (Exercise 3, 4)
Section 3 Writing a concluding paragraph (Homework: Exercise 5, 6)
3 Writing an Essay
Part 2 Editing an essay
Section 1 Using pronouns (Exercise 1)
Section 2 Editing an essay (Homework: Exercise 2; to be handed in)
4 Literature Unit
“A Day’s Wait”, Ernest Hemingway
Preparing to Read
Think Before You Read
Literary Term: Point of View
Idioms and Expressions
Close reading and analyzing quotations
(Homework: read “A Day’s Wait”, do Understanding the Story tasks)
5 “A Day’s Wait”
Check homework
Thinking Critically
Discussing the Story
Making Inferences
Analyzing the Story: Point of View (if there is time)
(Homework: write the first draft of a two-page essay based on Discussing the Story tasks; to be peer-reviewed next class)
6 “A Day’s Wait”
Peer review of first drafts (based on checklist in Academic Writing Skills 1)
Presentation skills (rehearse presentations)
(Homework: write the second draft of the essay; to be presented and handed in next class)
7 “A Day’s Wait”
Essay draft presentations; collect essay drafts
Writing task 4 (permutations allowed)
(Homework: write a dialog based on Writing task 4 for dramatization in the next class)
8 “A Day’s Wait”
Dramatizations of dialogs (practice chunking, intonation, pitch and fluency)
Return essay drafts (final drafts to be handed in the next class)
9 Linguistics Unit
Collect essays
“Speaking of Gender”
Different Ways of Talking
Preparing to Read
Brainstorming/discussion of gender socialization including nature/nurture, communication styles and linguistic differences (In compare/contrast format)
Vocabulary preview
(Homework: reading for Main ideas and Reading for Details)
10 “Speaking of Gender”
Different Ways of Talking
Go over homework
Making inferences
Post reading Discussion
Speaking of Gender Interview
Read and discuss relevant vocabulary
(Homework: comprehension questions)
11 “Speaking of Gender”
Different Ways of Talking
Go over homework
Compare/contrast essay preparation: points of contrast
Vocabulary, grammar (comparative adverbs), transitions of contrast
(Homework: write the first draft of a compare/contrast essay)
12 Compare/contrast Essay
Peer editing: content, organization, and grammar
(Homework: write the final draft of the essay; to be presented and handed in next class)
13 Compare/contrast Essay
Presentations of final essays; final essays due
14 No class
15 Review; return essays
教科書 Chin, Peter, et al. , Academic Writing Skills 1, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-1-107-63622-4
Other materials will be provided by the instructor.
成績評価の方法及び基準 平常点(15%)、レポート(55%)、presentations, dramatization(30%)
オフィスアワー Please consult each instructor.
