文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 英文学科 > アカデミック・ライティング1 (英文学科以外・再履修)

アカデミック・ライティング1 (英文学科以外・再履修)


科目名 アカデミック・ライティング1 (英文学科以外・再履修)
旧カリキュラム名 英作文1
教員名 パターソン
単位数    1 学年    3 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 英文学科
学期 前期 履修区分 必修
授業テーマ The purpose of this course is to learn to write academic paragraphs. The class will concentrate on an academic writing: what it is and how to write academic English.
授業のねらい・到達目標 Academic writing involves a different set of skills from email writing, note taking, letter writing, texting and so on. By learning about what academic writing is, the student will become familiar with the method of writing an academic paper that is acceptable at the university level.
授業の方法 Students must be familiar with and be able to produce basic sentence types and have an understanding of English grammar patterns. Students in this class must also know the fundamentals of keyboarding and have a reasonable knowledge of Microsoft Word.
1 Guidance and class procedures. Explanation of BB9
Paragraph basics
Writing Activities
2 Features of Paragraphs: Topic Sentence; Connection of Sentences to Topic; Indentation; Conclusion
Writing Activities
3 Sentence structure. Writing Activities
Vocabulary building.
Writing Activities
4 Topic sentences.
Writing Activities
Paraphrasing exercises
5 Sentences for academic paragraphs.
Writing Activities
6 Supporting sentences.
Different kinds of supporting sentences.
Analyzing and writing supporting sentences.
7 Concluding Sentences.
Different kinds of concluding sentences.
Analyzing and writing concluding sentences.
8 Paragraph writing.
Vocabulary building.
9 Paragraph structure.
Writing Activities
10 Supporting Concluding Sentence
Writing Activities
11 Supporting Concluding Sentence
Writing Activities
12 Paragraph Practice
Writing Activities
13 Final Paper and/or Final Exam.
14 Online writing lesson
15 Addtional topics and discussion of week 14 (online lesson).
教科書 ISBN-13: 978-1-285-19490-5, Great Writing 2 - Great Paragraphs:Keith S. Folse, April Muchmore-Vokoun, Elena Vestri Solomon, Heinle Cengage Learning, 2014, 4 edition
Be careful buying the correct edition (4th) and the correct text (GW2). Great Writing 2. I teach another section for English Majors that uses Great Writing 3.
成績評価の方法及び基準 平常点(20%)、レポート(20%)、In class writing and online assignments.(30%)、Final Paper(30%)
Students who are continually tardy or accumulate excessive absences may not receive a passing grade for the course.
オフィスアワー Mon. 12:20 to 2:30; Room 7314
備考 Most of the of the class will be online with Blackboard9 (BB9)--an interactive teaching tool provided by the CHS Computer Center.
