文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 英文学科 > オーラル・コミュニケーション2



科目名 オーラル・コミュニケーション2
旧カリキュラム名 スピーチ・コミュニケーション2
教員名 パターソン
単位数    1 学年    1 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 英文学科
学期 後期 履修区分 必修
授業テーマ Successful communication requires cultural knowledge as well as communicative skill building. This course is a continuation of OC1 and is designed to help students understand how to communicate.
授業のねらい・到達目標 Each class consists of vocabulary, listening, speaking and pronunciation. The course is aimed to help students activate their knowledge of English. They will use English to interact with the teacher and with each other.
授業の方法 Each unit of the text is divided into two sections, A and B. Students will also have to use the Internet to prepare class assignments and complete exercises from the textbook. Blogs, journals and online discussions will also be used and graded.
1 Review Units 4-6. Prepare for class.
2 Unit 7A. Asking directions and giving directions. Listening and pronunciation as in the first semester. Logic problem p. 74
3 Unit 7B. Vocabulary, grammar and listening. Prepare pp. 75-78.
Creating a Brochure--Tokyo Olympics 2020.
4 Student Presentation: Brochure Presentation.
Communication Exercise: Evaluating Brochures.
5 Unit 8: Sports and activities. Talking about yourself in front of others. Talk about the activities you like to do. Prepare text as usual (pp 80, 81,82) page 84 Communication.
6 Unit 8B: Vocabulary p. 85. Listening p. 86. Read p. 87. Complete page 88 & 89.
7 Unit 9A: Prepare pages 90, 93. Prepare Listening on pages 91 & 92.
Student small talk: What do to when you don't have enough money.
Communication: Bad Habits.
8 Unit 9B: Your plans for the future. Prepare pages 95 & 96. Read page 97.
Do Review Units 7-9.
9 Unit 10A: Prepare pages 104, 105 106, and 107 for class.
Student Presentations: Give health advice to the class.
10 Unit 10 B: Stress levels. How do you cope with stress as a student?
Prepare pages 110 & 111. Do exercises on page 112 and 113
11 Unit 11: Prepare listening pages 115 and 116
Conducting a survey to find the talents of your classmates.
12 Unit 12A: Movie reviews: Talking about the different genres of movies and talking to classmates about their likes and dislikes about movies. Prepare pp. 125 and 126/
13 Final Exam
14 Library Assignment: Researching movies.
15 Talking about the results of the library assignment.
教科書 World Link Book 1 - Developing English Fluency :Susan Stempleski, Nancy Douglas, James Morgan, Andy Curtis, Heinle Cengage Learning, 2011, 1 edition
成績評価の方法及び基準 試験(50%)、平常点(20%)、class blogs, journals, preparation, presentations and discussions(30%)
Students who are frequently late or absent will not receive credit for the course. Reports may be either oral or written.
オフィスアワー Mondays; 12:20 to 2:00, Room 7314
備考 Parts of the class will be held via Blackboard--an interactive teaching tool provided by the Computer Center and CHS. Students will need to know how access the campus internet to participate in blogs, complete homework assignments, and partake in online discussions. Access to the campus internet is issued by the computer center as part of the orientation process.
